If a command breaks, use --no-daemon
as the ForgeGradle currently doesn't uses it
Setup MDK (For Modders who want to create a mod)
- Download the MDK from forge (Forge Test Version for 1.13)
./gradlew eclipse
./gradlew genEclipseRuns
to generate the launch configuration- (
./gradlew genIntellijRuns
for IntelliJ users) - run this two times so the libs get properly linked
- Importing into IDE has not changed
Running client
./gradlew runClient
Running Server
./gradlew runServer
Setup FORGE (for those wishing to work on forge directly)
- Clone the Forge Repo
./gradlew setup
- If it crashes try running it again, as this sometimes helps
./gradlew eclipse
- this generates the eclipse files
- you can then import the projects inside the "projects" folder in an existing workspace
./gradlew genIntellijRuns
for IntelliJ users- this creates the IntelliJ files
- Setup IntelliJ
For Generating the Patches
./gradlew :forge:genPatches
Running client
Vanilla client:
./gradlew clean:runclient
Forge Client:
./gradlew forge:runclient
Running Server
Forge Server:
./gradlew forge:runserver
Is developing mods without an IDE no longer supported? eg: editing source in vim and then building with gradle commands?
I used to use
gradle setupDecompWorkspace
and it would set up everything I needed including decompiled source to the build\tmp directory. Doesgradle eclipse
replace that?