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Last active June 2, 2024 23:50
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Crop GHRSST in R terra.

I've ignored all our detailed stuff for our COG creation - this crops into memory, converts to Celsius, writes to file (I've set up a place to set the output directory but it writes to working directory atm) - I tested from compute in California and it was fast. With that you should be able to generate the days you want with seq(as.Date(), by = "1 day") kind of construct and loop. Note that some days are missing, we have reported them so maybe fixed now, but it's worth wrapping the rast(dsn) call in a try in case the read fails

## the token is a long text string, the header is "Authorization: Bearer {token}"

## this is your earthdata token in Authorization Bearer format, I keep mine in a local file (its filename is not relevant)
earthdata <- normalizePath("~/earthdata")
Sys.setenv("GDAL_HTTP_HEADER_FILE" = earthdata)
## could also set GDAL_HTTP_HEADERS to the header itself (don't need a file)
## or use terra::setGDALconfig(), I just like env vars because they work for all GDAL software, and a file
## because the code is purely relative to my local set up and will work

## customize for where you want the files to go
root <- "."
#dir.create(root, recursive = TRUE)

base <- ""
date <- as.Date("2024-01-01")
url  <- glue::glue("{base}/{format(date, '%Y')}{format(date, '%m')}{format(date, '%d')}")

## now we start with the GDAL syntax, vsi for lazy internet read, DRIVER:url:sds for the subdataset syntax
dsn <- glue::glue("NETCDF:/vsicurl/{url}:analysed_sst")

## now pick your weapon
aoi_ext <- ext(-71.3020833333333, -55.3958333333346, 45.1979166666667, 51.9062499999999)
ghrsst <- rast(dsn)
##to make these files more reliable, first (see
set.ext(ghrsst, ext(-179.995,180.005,-89.995,89.995)) 

## now crop, convert to C, and write to file
loc <- crop(ghrsst, aoi_ext)
loc <- loc - 273.15
terra::units(loc) <- "celsius"
outfile <- file.path(root, gsub("\\.nc$", "_analysed_sst.tif", basename(url)))
writeRaster(loc, outfile)
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