tm <- quadmesh::triangmesh(volcano)
xyzg <- tibble::tibble(x = tm$vb[1, tm$it],
y = tm$vb[2, tm$it],
z = tm$vb[3, tm$it],
g = rep(seq_len(ncol(tm$it)), each = nrow(tm$it)))
ggplot(xyzg, aes(x, y, group = g, fill = z)) +
Created on 2020-02-19 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
thanks for this, that's definitely new to me - can you check the file that is created by
there's a message when you run it, and it's available as
Can you view that file?
BTW, the zoom arg in ceramic really needs a warning - it should only be used interactively, i.e. don't set it the first time, then do set it but increase the value a, by 1 or 2 (not 5 or 6) (To avoid massive downloads).
It's different for DEMs vs images, and I really don't know how to arrange the use properly ...