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#' Title | |
#' | |
#' @param lonlatheight matrix or data.frame of lon,lat,height values | |
#' @param rad radius of sphere | |
#' @param exag exaggeration to apply to height values (added to radius) | |
#' | |
#' @return matrix | |
#' @export | |
llh2xyz <- function(lonlatheight, rad = 6378137.0, exag = 1) { | |
cosLat = cos(lonlatheight[,2] * pi / 180.0) | |
sinLat = sin(lonlatheight[,2] * pi / 180.0) | |
cosLon = cos(lonlatheight[,1] * pi / 180.0) | |
sinLon = sin(lonlatheight[,1] * pi / 180.0) | |
rad <- (exag * lonlatheight[,3] + rad) | |
x = rad * cosLat * cosLon | |
y = rad * cosLat * sinLon | |
z = rad * sinLat | |
cbind(x, y, z) | |
} | |
## download Blue Marble | |
u <- "http://bl.ocks.org/rasmuse/raw/75fae4fee3354ec41a49d10fb37af551/0a91d6f75b95b90bda15a074ced45de454bb038f/world.topo.bathy.200411.3x540x270.png" | |
download.file(u, basename(u), mode = "wb") | |
library(raster) | |
library(rgl) | |
library(quadmesh) | |
## read RGB and set geo-spatial transform | |
r <- setExtent(brick(basename(u)), extent(-180, 180, -90, 90)) | |
## extract hex strings for each pixel (quad) | |
cols <- rgb(r[[1]][], r[[2]][], r[[3]][], max = 255) | |
qm <- quadmesh(r[[1]]) ## the topology | |
qm$vb[3,] <- 0 ## drop the z | |
qm$vb[1:3, ] <- t(llh2xyz(t(qm$vb[1:3, ]))) ## geometry | |
## vis | |
shade3d(qm, col = rep(cols, each = 4), specular = "black") | |
light3d(cbind(0, 0, 0)) | |
bg3d("black") | |
## this time with textures | |
library(raster) | |
library(rgl) | |
library(quadmesh) | |
r <- setExtent(brick(basename(u)), extent(-180, 180, -90, 90)) | |
## somewhat different is to forget about the geometry of the image | |
## and simply texture drape it on whatever surface | |
library(geosphere) | |
library(geometry) | |
pts <- randomCoordinates(2^12) | |
xyz <- llh2xyz(cbind(pts, 0)) | |
tri <- geometry::convhulln(xyz) | |
library(rgl) | |
## rgl boilerplate: | |
tm <- tetrahedron3d() | |
tm$vb <- t(cbind(xyz, 1)) | |
tm$it <- t(tri) | |
tcoords <- xyFromCell(setExtent(r, extent(0, 1, 0, 1)), cellFromXY(r, pts)) | |
## has to be "not-black", which is default . . . | |
shade3d(tm, texture = basename(u), texcoords = tcoords[tm$it, ], col = "white", specular = "black") | |
light3d(cbind(0, 0, 0)) | |
bg3d("black") |
Aug 7, 2016
Interesting approach to actually represent it in 3D. Works well for orthographic and for "satellite" projections of course, but not for other projections (cylindrical, conical, etc) if I understand correctly?
Anyway, this approach could also be implemented with 3D WebGL I guess. But I haven't worked with WebGL myself.
Also, for me it's usually important to have coordinate transformations available for overlaying vector data, text, etc. This is a nice thing about the little d3 library I posted the other day -- it works seamlessly with d3's utilities for reprojecting vector data.
@rasmuse it can be done with planar projections too, I'm keen to learn WebGL approaches, I just need to lock away these data structures in R before I focus on that. Feeding spatial stuff to rgl requires most of the same work as feeding it to .js (I'm 99% certain . . .). And, sorry I missed your comment here, I just don't see any notification so I'm looking into that.