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Creating Black holes.

Pankaj Doharey metacritical

Creating Black holes.
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metacritical / dot-emacs-snippet-org-CREATED
Created January 2, 2025 00:44 — forked from salewski/dot-emacs-snippet-org-CREATED
emacs org-mode: insert "CREATED" date and timestamp when creating new TODOs
;; I've customzied `org-log-note-headings' to add a 'created' heading. This
;; allows us to have a 'CREATED' timestamp automatically inserted into the
;; LOGBOOK when creating a new TODO item.
;; This technique learned from:
;; for TODOs created in the buffer
metacritical / dot-emacs-snippet-org-CREATED
Created January 2, 2025 00:44 — forked from salewski/dot-emacs-snippet-org-CREATED
emacs org-mode: insert "CREATED" date and timestamp when creating new TODOs
;; I've customzied `org-log-note-headings' to add a 'created' heading. This
;; allows us to have a 'CREATED' timestamp automatically inserted into the
;; LOGBOOK when creating a new TODO item.
;; This technique learned from:
;; for TODOs created in the buffer
metacritical /
Created May 25, 2024 08:25 — forked from Papierkorb/
Dynamic library in Crystal

Writing a dynamic library in Crystal, and calling it from C

  • Download all files.
  • Build the Crystal part:
crystal build --release --cross-compile --prelude ./no_main
              ^ You can leave this out
                        ^ We want to link ourselves!
 ^ Use our custom prelude!
metacritical / Gemfile
Created October 28, 2023 17:56 — forked from dhh/Gemfile
HEY's Gemfile
ruby '2.7.1'
gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'
gem 'tzinfo-data', '>= 1.2016.7' # Don't rely on OSX/Linux timezone data
# Action Text
gem 'actiontext', github: 'basecamp/actiontext', ref: 'okra'
gem 'okra', github: 'basecamp/okra'
# Drivers
metacritical / Embedding GoLang into a Ruby
Created September 26, 2023 19:15 — forked from schweigert/Embedding GoLang into a Ruby
Embedding GoLang into a Ruby application - Blogpost to Magrathealabs

Go Title

I am passionate about Ruby, but its execution time compared to other languages is extremely high, especially when we want to use more complex algorithms. In general, data structures in interpreted languages become incredibly slow compared to compiled languages. Some algorithms such as ´n-body´ and ´fannkuch-redux´ can be up to 30 times slower in Ruby than Go. This is one of the reasons I was interested in embedding Go code in a Ruby environment.

For those who do not know how shared libraries operate, they work in a similar way as DLLs in Windows. However, they have a native code with a direct interface to the C compiler.

Note Windows uses the DLL system, and in this case, this does not necessarily have to be in native code.

One example is DLLs written in C#, which runs on a virtual machine. Because I do not use windows, I ended up not testing if it is poss

metacritical / kandinsky.txt
Created July 14, 2023 23:18 — forked from FurkanGozukara/kandinsky.txt
Save kandinsky generated images
# tutorial video link :
# colab link :
# repo link :
# used repo commit hash : a4354c04d5fbd48851866ef7d84ec444d3d50102
# those who getting cuda error
# pip uninstall torch
# pip3 install torch==1.13.1 torchvision torchaudio --index-url
import os
metacritical /
Created May 16, 2023 03:53 — forked from rain-1/
How to run Llama 13B with a 6GB graphics card

This worked on 14/May/23. The instructions will probably require updating in the future.

llama is a text prediction model similar to GPT-2, and the version of GPT-3 that has not been fine tuned yet. It is also possible to run fine tuned versions (like alpaca or vicuna with this. I think. Those versions are more focused on answering questions)

Note: I have been told that this does not support multiple GPUs. It can only use a single GPU.

It is possible to run LLama 13B with a 6GB graphics card now! (e.g. a RTX 2060). Thanks to the amazing work involved in llama.cpp. The latest change is CUDA/cuBLAS which allows you pick an arbitrary number of the transformer layers to be run on the GPU. This is perfect for low VRAM.

  • Clone llama.cpp from git, I am on commit 08737ef720f0510c7ec2aa84d7f70c691073c35d.
metacritical /
Created May 8, 2023 05:28 — forked from bzamecnik/
Simplest sequence classifier with LSTM & softmax in Keras
Classifies sequences of length 10 with 20 features into 2 classes
with a single LSTM layer with 32 neurons.
See also a more involved example:
from keras.layers import Input, LSTM, Dense
metacritical /
Created May 8, 2023 05:27 — forked from bzamecnik/
LSTM with softmax activation in Keras
When classifying upon a sequence usually we stack some LSTM returning sequences,
then one LSTM returning a point, then Dense with softmax activation.
Is it possible instead to give the last non-sequential LSTM a softmax activation?
The answer is yes.
In this example we have 3 sequential layers and one layer producing the final result.

macOS Internals

Understand your Mac and iPhone more deeply by tracing the evolution of Mac OS X from prelease to Swift. John Siracusa delivers the details.

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