But before:
Increase video memory!
"sicD","sic2","sic3","sic4","division","major_group","industry_group","industry" | |
"A","01","011","0111","Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing","Agricultural Production Crops","Cash Grains","Wheat" | |
"A","01","011","0112","Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing","Agricultural Production Crops","Cash Grains","Rice" | |
"A","01","011","0115","Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing","Agricultural Production Crops","Cash Grains","Corn" | |
"A","01","011","0116","Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing","Agricultural Production Crops","Cash Grains","Soybeans" | |
"A","01","011","0119","Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing","Agricultural Production Crops","Cash Grains","Cash Grains, Not Elsewhere Classified" | |
"A","01","013","0131","Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing","Agricultural Production Crops","Field Crops, Except Cash Grains","Cotton" | |
"A","01","013","0132","Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing","Agricultural Production Crops","Field Crops, Except Cash Grains","Tobacco" | |
"A","01","013","0133","Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing","Agricultural Pro |
# What is PCA? | |
# - PCA is a form of multi-dimensional scaling. | |
# - It transforms the data into a lower dimensional space while keeping the maxiumum of information. | |
# Book: Multi-Dimensional Diversification | |
# get data https://www.msci.com/end-of-day-data-search | |
library(tidyverse) | |
library(tidyquant) | |
library(readxl) |
library(tidyquant) | |
ty10 <- tq_get("DGS10", get = "economic.data", from = as.Date("1950-01-01")) | |
mod_dur <- function(yield) { | |
# out <- (1-(1/(1+0.5*yield/100)^(2*10)))/(yield/100) | |
out <- (1-(1/(1+0.5*yield)^(2*10)))/(yield) | |
return(out) |
library(tidyverse) | |
library(jsonlite) | |
get_earnings <- function(symbol, av_key, get = "quarterly", cache_dir = "cache") { | |
if (!(cache_dir %in% list.dirs(full.names = F, recursive = F))) { | |
dir.create(cache_dir) | |
} | |
if (!(paste0(symbol, ".json") %in% list.files(cache_dir))) { | |
print("downloading") |
library(tidyverse) | |
library(tidyquant) | |
library(lubridate) | |
# get data from Yahoo ---- | |
spx <- tq_get("^GSPC") | |
# calculate returns ---- | |
ret_daily <- spx %>% | |
mutate(ret = adjusted/lag(adjusted)-1, |
library(shiny) | |
ui <- fluidPage( | |
fluidRow( | |
column(width = 12, | |
tabsetPanel( | |
tabItem("main", "MENU"), | |
tabItem("more", uiOutput("hello")) | |
)) | |
) |
library(shiny) | |
library(shinyWidgets) | |
library(tidyverse) | |
# read persistent data or create a new file if it does not exist yet | |
if ("favs.csv" %in% list.files()) { | |
favs <- read_file("favs.csv") %>% | |
strsplit(", ") %>% | |
.[[1]] %>% | |
as.numeric() %>% |
library(tidyverse) | |
library(ggplot2) | |
periods <- 10 | |
trend <- 0 | |
vola <- 0.1 | |
leverage <- 2 |
library(shiny) | |
library(tidyverse) | |
# data <- readRDS("persistent_data/data.RDS") | |
data <- as_tibble(mtcars) %>% head() | |
ui <- fluidPage( | |
tableOutput("mytable"), | |
actionButton("go", "filter it"), | |
actionButton("save", "save it") |