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Mark Headd mheadd

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{"servicetypedefinition": [
{"servicetype": [{"servicetype": "Abandoned Bicycles"}, {"servicecode": "S0021"}, {"name": "ABDBIC-HOWLONG"}, {"prompt": "How long has the bicycle been abandoned?"}, {"required": "Y"}, {"type": "TextBox "}, {"width": "200"}, {"itemlist": "\r"}]},
{"servicetype": [{"servicetype": "Abandoned Bicycles"}, {"servicecode": "S0021"}, {"name": "ABDBIC-NOWHEELS"}, {"prompt": "Are the wheels missing?"}, {"required": "Y"}, {"type": "DropDown "}, {"width": "16"}, {"itemlist": "Yes,No,Don't know\r"}]},
{"servicetype": [{"servicetype": "Abandoned Bicycles"}, {"servicecode": "S0021"}, {"name": "ABDBIC-AIRINTIRES"}, {"prompt": "Is there air in the tires?"}, {"required": "Y"}, {"type": "DropDown "}, {"width": "16"}, {"itemlist": "Yes,No,Don't know\r"}]},
{"servicetype": [{"servicetype": "Abandoned Bicycles"}, {"servicecode": "S0021"}, {"name": "ABDBIC-RUSTY"}, {"prompt": "Are the chain and other components rusty?"}, {"required": "Y"}, {"type": "DropDown "}, {
mheadd / billProwl.php
Created October 26, 2009 18:50
Get bill status updates from the NY Senate Open Leg API sent to your Prowl iPhone client.
* Contents of file billProwl.php
// Include PHP Prowl class.
// The argument passed in when the script was invoked (bill number).
mheadd / im_bot_class.php
Created November 4, 2009 15:55
A class for creating IM/SMS/Twitter bots
* Copyright 2009 Mark J. Headd
* This file is part of the PHP IM Bot Class
* PHP IM Bot Class is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Class to compare user agent string with Voxeo Prophcy versions.
class sniffer {
private $smsUserAgentString = 'Voxeo-VXML/10';
private $phoneUserAgentString = 'Voxeo-VXML/8';
$user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
try {
$sniffy = new sniffer($user_agent);
$channel_type = $sniffy->getChannelType();
// User defined constants.
define("COUCH_DB_USER", "");
define("COUCH_DB_PASSWORD", "");
define("COUCH_DB_NAME", "call_logs/");
// Base URL for accessing Couch DB instance on remote host.
// User defined constants.
define("COUCH_DB_USER", "");
define("COUCH_DB_PASSWORD", "");
define("COUCH_DB_NAME_LOGS", "call_logs/");
define("COUCH_DB_NAME_EXT", "call_settings/");
<created_at>Mon Jan 18 17:42:52 +0000 2010</created_at>
<text>If my city had an #Open311 API, this Tweet could start a service request. #pothole</text>
<source>&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;TweetDeck&lt;/a&gt;</source>
* PHP Classes for interacting with the Voxeo Tropo Web API.
* Copyright 2009 Mark J. Headd.
* Class for interacting with the Tropo Web API.
* A simple example the demonstrates the PHP language binding to the Tropo Web API.
* This example uses the Limonade PHP micro framework:
* In order to work, you need to set up your call route in Tropo to match the start
* route below, and use the appropriate querystring paramter for the Tropo Web API:
* http://ip_address_of_your_server/tropo_test.php?uri=start&tropo-engine=json