Save miguelmota/3f380d75963ca16bd8cc64a10d0d2163 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sudo rm -rf /Applications/Tuxera\ Disk\ Manager.app | |
sudo rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/Tuxera\ NTFS | |
sudo rm -rf /Library/Filesystems/fusefs_txantfs.fs |
rm -rf /Library/Filesystems/tuxera_ntfs.fs
It works!
thank you - tuxera, your product should not feel like malware
Still saw the tuxera-icon in the System Preferences. But
there is a [ uninstall ] Button in the Pane from the System-Preferences in the meanwhile.
I followed all the above-mentioned commands and it worked for me. I was struggling to get rid of texura completely from my mac for a long time. I thought formatting is the only option, but the above posts saved me. Thank you all.
You guys saved me, I was going nuts trying to get rid of this app
I need help pls
after removing all related files with your great help , I now get duplicate Ntfs volumes in finder !!!
any help with that ??
Спасибо, работает. Для сброса триала делал, удалил, потом выполнил этот скрипт, установил снова. Триал сбросился.
Версия 2020.1
Still saw the tuxera-icon in the System Preferences. But
there is a [ uninstall ] Button in the Pane from the System-Preferences in the meanwhile.
/Library/PreferencePanes/Tuxera NTFS.prefPane
I was in Big Sur system. Pasted this command and erased ALL MY INTERNAL HARD DRIVE AND 3 EXTERNALS!!! PLEASE DO NOT THIS!!! I Losted 7 years files.
I was in Big Sur system. Pasted this command and erased ALL MY INTERNAL HARD DRIVE AND 3 EXTERNALS!!! PLEASE DO NOT THIS!!! I Losted 7 years files.
Me too but I didn't erase anything because I paid attention to the spaces.
rm -rf /Library/Filesystems/tuxera_ntfs.fs
this works
@rodrigodicastro Those commands as in the sh-file would not normally do what you claim in any macOS. You ran the commands manually, didn't you? Somehow you have issued a sudo rm -rf /
(Note the space) anyway. This script when issued properly with sh doesn't.
Many have lost data for different reasons and learnt the lesson of using rotating multiline backups, much like how suggested here Practical and Robust Backup Strategy. Data is always at peril for all kinds of reasons. If it's important, protect it.
This is the other way using the cli :
For 2018 up to the latest release, run this command:
sudo /Library/Filesystems/tuxera_ntfs.fs/Contents/Resources/Support/uninstall-package.sh
For 2015 through 2016.1, use this command:
sudo /Library/Filesystems/fusefs_txantfs.fs/Contents/Resources/Support/uninstall-package.sh
For 2014 or earlier releases, the valid command is:
sudo /System/Library/Filesystems/fusefs_txantfs.fs/Support/uninstall-package.sh
@h3ct0rjs, well, there was a reason this sh file here was created and that was, I believe, that the Tuxera uninstall, that you point to, did not delete everything for whatever reason. That's why I came here and also added a few lines in comments as I found it wasn't complete.
There's NO security difference actually running this sh file and another sh file, like Tuxera's, except that, you always better check the commands before you run them as, as you imply, the rm command is very powerful and can cause issues in the wrong hands. That someone copies commands from this sh and executes them erroneously doesn't cast a shadow on this script nor its content.
Github is about sharing software and is really directed at developers. The sh file shared here is intended to be executed and this assumes you're knowledgeable enough to understand the potential consequences of, as well as being able to, using it in the way intended.
Anyone can make a mistake, but the person making the mistake should note the mistake was theirs and not blame others without proof there is an actual problem with the work product (the sh script in this case).
I might suggest you install brew (or similar) and the trash package instead and replace rm
calls with trash
(or an alias).
If you use trash -Fv
in rm's place you will see what is deleted (-v) and the Finder (-F) will do the move to the trash on the same volume at which the target resides, which means you can use Finder undo as well.
So using trash (see previous post) this would be a safer alternative (Warning, haven't tried this yet**):
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.tuxera.ntfs.agent.plist
sudo trash -Fv /Applications/Tuxera\ Disk\ Manager.app
sudo trash -Fv /Library/Application\ Support/Tuxera\ NTFS
sudo trash -Fv /Library/Filesystems/fusefs_txantfs.fs
sudo trash -Fv /Library/LaunchAgents/com.tuxera.ntfs.agent.plist
sudo trash -Fv /Library/PreferencePanes/Tuxera\ NTFS.prefPane
sudo trash -Fv /Library/Preferences/com.tuxera.NTFS.plist
Note that trash
puts folders into the trash as well and recursion is implied with that.
Of course you can also use open
for the paths and delete the files and folders manually.
** I successfully used all line by line on an old disk, after having installed brew and trash, and the only downside is I had to reauthorize Finder for each line. Skip the F if you want to avoid that.
there is also theses files
EDIT: Someone posted this above, but I hadn't seen it.
For versions >= 2018 they recommend:
sudo /Library/Filesystems/tuxera_ntfs.fs/Contents/Resources/Support/uninstall-package.sh
@gholker I repeat my answer to the "someone" "@h3ct0rjs, well, there was a reason this sh file here was created and that was, I believe, that the Tuxera uninstall, that you point to, did not delete everything for whatever reason".
Did you verify that uninstall-package.sh
did also remove all the files and folders people have posted since 2020? If so, why not mention it? If not, why post what is already here?
nice, this works. that sucker is not enabling the uninstall button
This is also needed:
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.tuxera.ntfs.agent.plist sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchAgents/com.tuxera.ntfs.agent.plist sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/Tuxera\ NTFS.prefPane sudo rm -rf /Library/Preferences/com.tuxera.NTFS.plist
then my mac settings -> unable to load java panel
after removing the app with the help of App Cleaner & Uninstaller a folder is left
Tried to sudo rm it, but the Operation not permitted
How can one remove it?
Went ahead with an uninstallation via the system preferences, but now I am stuck with tuxera being displayed in the "allow in the background" menu. I tried all sudo commands above and also checked the Launch folders, but could not find anything linking to tuxera. How do I get rid of it?
Using the uninstall button in the preference pane almost clears it out as well. The only things left were an empty folder in "/Library/Application Support/Tuxera NTFS" as well as the preference plist in "/Library/Preferences/com.tuxera.NTFS.plist"