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Created July 18, 2015 19:26
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rtree stream issue
import numpy as np
import rtree
import time
def random_tree_stream(points_count, include_object):
properties = rtree.index.Property()
properties.dimension = 3
points_random = np.random.random((points_count,3,3))
points_bounds = np.column_stack((points_random.min(axis=1),
stacked = zip(np.arange(points_count),
tic = time.time()
tree = rtree.index.Index(stacked,
properties = properties)
toc = time.time()
print'creation, objects:', include_object, '\tstream method: ', toc-tic
return tree
def random_tree_insert(points_count, include_object):
properties = rtree.index.Property()
properties.dimension = 3
points_random = np.random.random((points_count,3,3))
points_bounds = np.column_stack((points_random.min(axis=1),
tree = rtree.index.Index(properties = properties)
if include_object:
stacked = zip(np.arange(points_count),
stacked = zip(np.arange(points_count),
tic = time.time()
for arg in stacked:
toc = time.time()
print 'creation, objects:', include_object, '\tinsert method: ', toc-tic
return tree
def check_tree(tree, count):
# tid should intersect every box,
# as our random boxes are all inside [0,0,0,1,1,1]
tic = time.time()
tid = list(tree.intersection([-1,-1,-1,2,2,2]))
toc = time.time()
ok = (np.unique(tid) - np.arange(count) == 0).all()
print 'intersection, id method: ', toc-tic, '\t query ok:', ok
tic = time.time()
tid = [i.object for i in tree.intersection([-1,-1,-1,2,2,2], objects=True)]
toc = time.time()
ok = (np.unique(tid) - np.arange(count) == 0).all()
print 'intersection, object method:', toc-tic, '\t query ok:', ok
if __name__ == '__main__':
count = 10000
print '\nChecking stream loading\n---------------'
tree = random_tree_stream(count, False)
tree = random_tree_stream(count, True)
check_tree(tree, count)
print '\nChecking insert loading\n---------------'
tree = random_tree_insert(count, False)
tree = random_tree_insert(count, True)
check_tree(tree, count)
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