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Created August 9, 2017 21:47
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Sample Shiny application demonstrating usage of Shiny Server Pro's authentication feature to customize the app according to the privileges of the logged-in user.
## Pre-app calculations
# Get the current day of the month
dom <- 25
# Define the target for salespeople in our organization.
salesTarget <- 15000
# Set the seed so we always get the same data.
# Generate some random sales data for the sake of demonstration.
salesData <- data.frame(
salesperson = c(rep("sales1", dom+1), rep("sales2", dom+1)),
day = rep(0:dom, 2),
dailySales = round(runif((dom+1)*2, 0, 1000),2)
# Zero out the start of the month (day 0)
salesData[salesData$day == 0,"dailySales"] <- 0
# Compute the running total of all sales for each salesperson through the month.
salesData$salesTotal <- ave(salesData$dailySales,
FUN = cumsum)
## Define UI
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Sales Reports"),
# Dislpay the subtitle computed on the server
fluidRow(div(class="span12", h3(textOutput("subtitle")))),
# Show the plot of sales
fluidRow(div(class="span12", plotOutput("salesPlot"))),
# Show the datatable of all sales
fluidRow(div(class="span12", dataTableOutput("salesTbl")))
## Define server
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# This reactive may be simple enough to be unneccessary in production. But
# it can be useful for development and testing to be able to plug in a user
# name here to see how the application behaves.
user <- reactive({
# Based on the logged in user, pull out only the data this user should be able
# to see.
myData <- reactive({
if (isManager()){
# If a manager, show everything.
} else{
# If a regular salesperson, only show their own sales.
return(salesData[salesData$salesperson == user(),])
# Determine whether or not the user is a manager.
isManager <- reactive({
if (user() == "manager"){
} else{
# Render the subtitle of the page according to what user is logged in.
output$subtitle <- renderText({
if (is.null(user())){
return("You must log in to use this application using Shiny Server Pro.")
if (isManager()){
return("Monthly Manager Sales Report")
} else {
return(paste0("Monthly Sales Report for '", user(), "'"))
output$salesPlot <- renderPlot({
# If no user is logged in, render a blank plot.
if (is.null(user())){
# Get all data that should be visible to the current user.
data <- myData()
# Generate the sales plot
p <- ggplot(data, aes(day, salesTotal, group=salesperson, color=salesperson))
p <- p + geom_point()
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept=salesTarget, color=7)
p <- p + xlim(0, 30)
p <- p + stat_smooth(method="lm", fullrange=TRUE)
p <- p + ggtitle("September Sales Projections")
p <- p + xlab("Day of Month")
p <- p + ylab("Total Sales (USD)")
output$salesTbl <- renderDataTable({
# If no user is logged in, don't show any data.
if (is.null(user())){
# Otherwise return all data that should be visible to this user.
## Create app object
shinyApp(ui, server)
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