require 'HTTParty' |
require 'json' |
require 'crack' |
airport_code = 'syr' |
wait_time_values = ["No Wait", "1-10 minutes", "11-20 minutes", "21-30 minutes", "31+ minutes"] |
airports_resource = 'http://www.tsa.gov/data/apcp.xml' |
airport_checkpoint_resource = 'http://apps.tsa.dhs.gov/MyTSAWebService/GetWaitTimes.ashx' |
airport_name = airport_code |
SCHEDULER.every '60s', :first_in => 0 do |job| |
airport_checkpoint_waittimes = [] |
output = [] |
airports_resource_response = HTTParty.get(airports_resource) |
airports_resource_xml = Crack::XML.parse(airports_resource_response.body) |
airports_resource_json = Crack::JSON.parse(airports_resource_xml.to_json) |
airports_resource_json['airports']['airport'].each do |airport| |
if airport['shortcode'] == airport_code.upcase |
airport_name = airport['name'] |
# Stupidness in JSON convesion.. SHould always be array |
if !airport['checkpoints']['checkpoint'].kind_of?(Array) |
airport['checkpoints']['checkpoint'] = [airport['checkpoints']['checkpoint']] |
end |
# Airport Checkpoints |
airport['checkpoints']['checkpoint'].each do |checkpoint| |
# puts "Getting Checkpoints" |
# puts "Checkpoint Id: " + checkpoint['id'] |
# puts "Checkpoint Name: " + checkpoint['longname'] |
airport_checkpoint_resouce_response = HTTParty.get(airport_checkpoint_resource, { :query => { :ap => airport_code, :output => 'json'} }) |
airport_checkpoint_resouce_json = JSON.parse(airport_checkpoint_resouce_response.body) |
airport_checkpoint_resouce_json['WaitTimes'].each do |waittime| |
if waittime['CheckpointIndex'] == checkpoint['id'] |
# puts "Wait Time " + waittime['WaitTimeIndex'] + " minutes" |
# puts "Updated: " + waittime["Created_Datetime"] #9/2/2013 2:24:33 AM |
# |
checkpoint_last_updated_at = DateTime.strptime(waittime["Created_Datetime"], '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %p') |
if checkpoint_last_updated_at.to_date == Date.today |
# puts waittime["Created_Datetime"] + " Is TODAY!" |
airport_checkpoint_waittimes << { |
:id => checkpoint["id"], |
:name => checkpoint["longname"], |
:wait_time => waittime['WaitTimeIndex'], |
:updated_at => checkpoint_last_updated_at |
} |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
# Create groups of checkpoints |
groups = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = [] } |
airport_checkpoint_waittimes.each {|checkpoint| groups[checkpoint[:id]] << checkpoint } |
# parse checkpoints into new hash |
groups.each do |group, data| |
data.sort_by!{ |c| c[:updated_at].to_s.to_i} |
if data.size > 1 |
if data[0][:wait_time] < data[1][:wait_time] |
time_status = "decraseing" |
elsif data[0][:wait_time] == data[1][:wait_time] |
time_status = "holding steady" |
else |
time_status = "increasing" |
end |
output << { |
:id => data[0][:id], |
:name => data[0][:name], |
:wait_time => wait_time_values[(data[0][:wait_time].to_i) - 1], |
:time_status => time_status, |
:update => data[0][:updated_at] |
} |
else |
output << { |
:id => data[0][:id], |
:name => data[0][:name], |
:wait_time => wait_time_values[(data[0][:wait_time].to_i) - 1], |
:time_status => nil, |
:update => data[0][:updated_at] |
} |
end |
end |
if output.empty? |
send_event('waittime', { |
title: airport_name, |
checkpoint: "No Wait times have been reported", |
waittime: "", |
status: "", |
info: data[0][:updated_at].strftime("Last TSA update: %m/%d/%Y at %I:%M%p") |
}) |
else |
output.cycle do |o| |
send_event('waittime', { |
title: airport_name, |
checkpoint: o[:name], |
waittime: o[:wait_time], |
status: "Wait time is " + o[:time_status], |
info: o[:update].strftime("Last TSA update: %m/%d/%Y at %I:%M%p") |
}) |
sleep(60/output.size) |
end |
end |
end |