A non-exhaustive list of WebGL and WebGPU frameworks and libraries. It is mostly for learning purposes as some of the libraries listed are wip/outdated/not maintained anymore.
Name | Stars | Last Commit | Description |
three.js | ![GitHub |
if (typeof window!=='undefined' && navigator.serviceWorker && navigator.serviceWorker.controller) { | |
let reloadOnNext = false; | |
let pushState = history.pushState; | |
history.pushState = function(state, title, url) { | |
pushState.call(this, state, title, url); | |
if (reloadOnNext===true) location.reload(true); | |
}; | |
navigator.serviceWorker.controller.addEventListener('statechange', e => { |
A non-exhaustive list of WebGL and WebGPU frameworks and libraries. It is mostly for learning purposes as some of the libraries listed are wip/outdated/not maintained anymore.
Name | Stars | Last Commit | Description |
three.js | ![GitHub |
history | awk {'print $2, $3, $4'} | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1 -rn | head -n 30 |
Since Twitter doesn't have an edit button, it's a suitable host for JavaScript modules.
Source tweet: https://twitter.com/rauchg/status/712799807073419264
const leftPad = await requireFromTwitter('712799807073419264');
dc:14:de:8e:d7:c1:15:43:23:82:25:81:d2:59:e8:c0 | 245272 | |
32:f9:38:a2:39:d0:c5:f5:ba:bd:b7:75:2b:00:f6:ab | 197846 | |
d0:db:8a:cb:74:c8:37:e4:9e:71:fc:7a:eb:d6:40:81 | 152046 | |
34:47:0f:e9:1a:c2:eb:56:eb:cc:58:59:3a:02:80:b6 | 140777 | |
df:17:d6:57:7a:37:00:7a:87:5e:4e:ed:2f:a3:d5:dd | 91904 | |
81:96:a6:8c:3a:75:f3:be:84:5e:cc:99:a7:ab:3e:d9 | 80499 | |
7c:a8:25:21:13:a2:eb:00:a6:c1:76:ca:6b:48:6e:bf | 78172 | |
1c:1e:29:43:d2:0c:c1:75:40:05:30:03:d4:02:d7:9b | 71851 | |
8b:75:88:08:41:78:11:5b:49:68:11:42:64:12:6d:49 | 70786 | |
c2:77:c8:c5:72:17:e2:5b:4f:a2:4e:e3:04:0c:35:c9 | 68654 |
This list of resources is all about acquring and processing aerial imagery. It's generally broken up in three ways: how to go about this in Photoshop/GIMP, using command-line tools, or in GIS software, depending what's most comfortable to you. Often these tools can be used in conjunction with each other.
Attention: the list was moved to
This page is not maintained anymore, please update your bookmarks.
We have moved: https://github.com/magnetikonline/linuxmicrosoftievirtualmachines
Due to the popularity of this Gist, and the work in keeping it updated via a Gist, all future updates will take place at the above location. Thanks!