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Forked from jamieweavis/
Created May 5, 2023 11:33
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How to create an .icns macOS app icon

How to create an .icns macOS app icon

How to make an application icon for macOS using iconset & iconutil


Saving images

Save your app icon with the following names & dimensions:

Name Dimensions
icon_16x16.png 16x16
[email protected] 32x32
icon_32x32.png 32x32
[email protected] 64x64
icon_128x128.png 128x128
[email protected] 256x256
icon_256x256.png 256x256
[email protected] 512x512
icon_512x512.png 512x512
[email protected] 1024x1024

Creating an .iconset

  1. Move all of the images into a new folder
  2. Rename the folder to: icon.iconset
  3. Confirm the file extension when prompted

This will convert the folder of images into an iconset, this can be verified by quick looking with the spacebar - a resizable preview of your icon should now appear.

Converting to .icns

  1. Navigate to the directory containing your icon.iconset in the terminal
  2. Run iconutil with the following command: iconutil -c icns icon.iconset
  3. Your icon.icns will be generated in the current directory
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