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on my way to Mars

Morteza Moosavi mortsavi

on my way to Mars
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mortsavi /
Created May 5, 2023 11:33 — forked from jamieweavis/
How to create an .icns macOS app icon
mortsavi /
Created May 4, 2021 06:49 — forked from ridem/
Download all Shopify CDN assets from a store


  1. Go to your Shopify admin/settings/files page
  2. Open your browser Dev tools, go to the console

Then, depending on the option you choose:

Option 1 - Download all the files directly (might crash you browser)

  1. Make sure your browser is set to download files automatically and doesn't ask for the download location every time
mortsavi / shopifyfiles
Created March 3, 2021 08:12 — forked from th0rgall/shopifyfiles
Download Shopify Admin Files given a comma-separated list text file
# By @th0rgall - Feb. 1 2021
# Tool that loops over Shopify File URLs and downloads them with CURL
# Prerequisites:
# - In you PATH: curl > v7.22, sed
# - A file with shopify file names: use Jason Bowman's script at
# to download a file list (more details on this:
# Usage: ./shopifyfiles shopify-files-list.txt
# The script will make a directory 'files' and download files there
mortsavi / gw-gravity-forms-change-field-id.js
Created August 28, 2019 14:27 — forked from spivurno/gw-gravity-forms-change-field-id.js
Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Change Field ID via Browser Console
* Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Change Field ID via Browser Console
* Provides a simple function for changing the ID of a Gravity Forms field via the browser console from the Form Editor page.
* @version 1.0
* @author David Smith <[email protected]>
* @license GPL-2.0+
* @link
* @video
mortsavi / jekyll.html
Created October 8, 2018 07:34 — forked from blairanderson/jekyll.html
Fullscreen Background Video Slideshow on iOS devices - note currently uses jquery :)
{% for video in site.static_files %}
{% if video.path contains 'img/videos' %}
<video muted playsinline>
<source src="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ video.path }}" type="video/mp4">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
mortsavi /
Created October 8, 2018 07:34 — forked from blairanderson/
Optimize Videos for Web - Compress MP4 and remove Audio with FFMPEG. encodes as 264 with CRF 30, scales down to 1920x1080, strips audio
#! /bin/bash
# The Purpose of this Script is to batch convert and compress any video file to mp4 format
# Variable used:
# sourcedir is the directory where to be converted videos are. Converted video will be saved in the same folder
# usage:
mortsavi /
Created September 30, 2018 15:50 — forked from gboddin/
Mining optimisation under Linux

Mining under linux


I'm in no case responsible for fried hardware, erased software or burning down houses. Make sure your miners are always well cooled.

General recommendation

Though you can easily mix nVidia and AMD in the same rig with Linux, it's recommended to use a different thread for each platform so a Driver crash doesn't bring the whole rig down. It should be noted however, that some mining software have trouble when both architecture are found on the same rig.