文章: mala
- 2025-01-20 初稿
- 2025-01-23 いくつかの補足と自分の過去のprivateでの言及のおまけ
- 気が向いたら、追記するかもしれない
2020-05-13 追記
#!/bin/bash | |
set -ue | |
cp /Users/pastak/worktmp/wedpar-namecard/list.txt /Users/pastak/worktmp/wedpar-namecard/list.txt.tmp | |
twurl "/1.1/search/tweets.json?q=%23hitode909memorial" \ | |
| jq .statuses[].entities | grep media_url_https | perl -ne '$_ =~ /"media_url_https": "([^"]+)"/; print "$1\n"' \ | |
>> /Users/pastak/worktmp/wedpar-namecard/list.txt.tmp | |
cat /Users/pastak/worktmp/wedpar-namecard/list.txt.tmp | uniq > /Users/pastak/worktmp/wedpar-namecard/list.txt |
/* | |
yarn init -y | |
yarn add webpack webpack-cli webpack-serve html-webpack-plugin -D | |
yarn add babel-loader@^8.0.0-beta @babel/core @babel/preset-env -D | |
echo '{ "presets": ["@babel/preset-env"] }' > .babelrc | |
*/ | |
const HtmlPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin"); | |
module.exports = { | |
mode: process.env.NODE_ENV || "development", |
command! -nargs=1 BikaBika call s:make_bikabika(<q-args>) | |
command! -nargs=0 BikaBikaStop call s:stop_bikabika() | |
highlight! BikaBika ctermbg=green guibg=green | |
let s:_bika = {} | |
function! s:make_bikabika(pattern) abort | |
if !empty(s:_bika) | |
call s:_bika.stop() |
machine: | |
environment: | |
GODIST: "go1.7.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz" | |
post: | |
- mkdir -p downloads | |
- test -e download/$GODIST || curl -o download/$GODIST https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/$GODIST | |
- sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go | |
- sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf download/$GODIST |
Why Uber Engineering Switched from Postgres to MySQL - Uber Engineering Blog のまとめ
package main | |
import( | |
"errors" | |
"fmt" | |
"net/http" | |
) | |
var RedirectAttemptedError = errors.New("redirect") | |
var nopasteClient = func() (*http.Client) { |
This tutorial will turn your Raspberry PI into a simple Bluetooth audio receiver, which plays music through connected speakers. It's like a regular car audio system, but it can be used anywhere and it's a good value.
Audio source (i.e. smartphone)
((( Wireless Bluetooth Channel )))