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Michael Shuler mshuler

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mshuler /
Created October 19, 2024 18:18 — forked from tshrinivasan/
Split a PDF vertically, used for scanned double sided PDF pages
# Source
import copy
import sys
import math
import pyPdf
def split_pages(src, dst):
src_f = file(src, 'r+b')
dst_f = file(dst, 'w+b')
mshuler / lrsync.lua
Created December 3, 2020 16:41 — forked from kashyapp/lrsync.lua
lsyncd and configuration
local hostname = os.getenv("HOSTNAME")
local package = os.getenv("PACKAGE")
assert(hostname, "HOSTNAME env variable is not set")
assert(package, "PACKAGE env variable is not set")
local privateKey = "/usr/share/" .. package .. "/etc/id_rsa"
settings {
statusFile = "/var/run/" .. package .. "/lsyncd.stat",
statusInterval = 60,
mshuler / randpw
Created March 15, 2020 00:02
Generate random password string on the CLI
# Generate random password string from all printable, non-space
# characters, using passed argument for number of characters,
# defaulting to a 16-character string. For example:
# $ randpw
# XC6Jo]2fj&f4E45n
# $ randpw 24
# :U)#J]b5[0mg)Wp@M\)l`$\y
(cassandra-3.0)mshuler@hana:~/git/cassandra$ ./bin/cqlsh
Connected to Test Cluster at
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.0.19-SNAPSHOT | CQL spec 3.4.0 | Native protocol v4]
Use HELP for help.
Cluster: Test Cluster
Partitioner: Murmur3Partitioner
cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE foo WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} AND durable_writes = true;

Warm Butter Cake or 1000 Calories of Bliss

A toasty butter cake, topped with a thin layer of vanilla cheesecake, and that topped with a sweet crunchy sugar crust. It is warmed, and served with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour
Total Time: 1 hour 20 minutes\

This worked out pretty well for high quality 1080p 60fps video from the 4:3 3264x2448 JPG timelapse images,
cropping the top and bottom of the original images to 16:9 widescreen:
ffmpeg -framerate 60 -pattern_type glob -i '*/*.JPG' -vf crop=in_w:in_w*9/16,scale=1920:1080 -c:v libx264 -r 60 -pix_fmt yuv420p timelapse-60fps.mp4
# Provides: zram-disk
# Required-Start: $local_fs
# Required-Stop: $local_fs
# Default-Start: S
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Use compressed RAM as in-memory filesystem
# Description: Use compressed RAM as in-memory filesystem
mshuler / clear_jenkins_queue.groovy
Created October 8, 2015 20:42
Clear Jenkins queue of all jobs starting with 'job_name_' (use { }.each for clearing the entire queue)
import jenkins.model.*
def q = Jenkins.instance.queue
q.items.findAll {'job_name_') }.each { q.cancel(it.task) }
# stop manually started cassandra service, remove dtest cruft,
# and wipe data and logs
# set user or leave commented out for current user from env
# set REPODIR to the git checkout, so we can clean 2.1+ data/logs
or "Hoosier Pie" originally from the 1800s Amish settlers. Makes one 9" pie.
1 cup sugar
1⁄2 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup half-and-half
1 cup heavy cream
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Freshly grated nutmeg, to garnish
Be awesome and make your own crust or use prepared pie crust. Refrigerate crust for at least 30 minutes prior to baking. Preheat oven to 375°