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Mukesh Tiwari mukeshtiwari

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mukeshtiwari / firefox.clj
Created January 7, 2016 10:25
Tripadvisor url
;some thing went wrong with my firefox update
(defn go-to-tripadv
"returns tripadvisors urls for city"
(set-driver! {:browser :firefox})
(get-url "")
(wait-until #(= (title) "TripAdvisor: Read Reviews, Compare Prices & Book"))
(input-text "#GEO_SCOPED_SEARCH_INPUT" city)
(click "#GEO_SCOPE_CONTAINER .scopedSearchDisplay li")
Module Evote.
Require Import Notations.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Le.
Require Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Compare_dec.
Require Import
Import ListNotations.
k : nat
u, v : cand
l : list (cand * cand)
H1 : fold_left
(fun (x : bool) (b : cand) => x && (bool_in (b, snd (u, v)) l || el k (fst (u, v), b)))
cand_all true = true
b : cand
In (b, snd (u, v)) l \/ edge (fst (u, v)) b <= k
Definition bool_in (p: (cand * cand)%type) (l: list (cand * cand)%type) :=
existsb (fun q => (andb (cand_eqb (fst q) (fst p))) ((cand_eqb (snd q) (snd p)))) l.
Definition el (k: nat) (p: (cand * cand)%type) := Compare_dec.leb (edge (fst p) (snd p)) k.
Lemma edge_prop : forall a b k, el k (a, b) = true -> edge a b <= k.
intros a b k H; unfold el in H; simpl in H;
apply leb_complete in H; assumption.
Module Evote.
Require Import Notations.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Le.
Require Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Compare_dec.
Require Import
Require Import Bool.Sumbool.
Require Import Bool.Bool.
mukeshtiwari / Finite.v
Created August 18, 2016 07:03
Finite type no duplicate element
Theorem noduplicate : forall (l1 l2 : list bool), NoDup l1 -> NoDup l2 ->
(forall a : bool, In a l1) -> length l2 <= length l1.
Theorem iter_aux_new {A: Type} (O: (A -> bool) -> (A -> bool)) (l: list A):
mon O ->
(forall a: A, In a l) ->
forall (n : nat), (forall a:A, iter O n nil_pred a = true <-> iter O (n+1) nil_pred a = true) \/
card l (iter O n nil_pred) >= n.
intros Hmon Hfin n. specialize (iter_aux O l Hmon Hfin n); intros.
destruct H as [H | H]. left. assumption.
right. unfold mon in Hmon. unfold card in H; unfold card.
generalize dependent n.
A : Type
k : nat
O : (A -> bool) -> A -> bool
Hmon : mon O
l : list A
Hin : forall a : A, In a l
Hlen : length l <= k
n : nat
Hler : k >= n
H : forall a : A, iter O k nil_pred a = true <-> iter O (k + 1) nil_pred a = true
Theorem iter_fin {A: Type} (k: nat) (O: (A -> bool) -> (A -> bool)) :
mon O -> bounded_card A k ->
forall n: nat, forall a: A, iter O n nil_pred a = true -> iter O k nil_pred a = true.
intros Hmon Hboun; unfold bounded_card in Hboun.
destruct Hboun as [l [Hin Hlen]]. intros n.
assert (Hle : k < n \/ k >= n) by omega.
destruct Hle as [Hlel | Hler]; swap 1 2.
destruct (iter_aux_newagain O l Hmon Hin k). intros a Hiter.
specialize (increasing O Hmon); intros. unfold pred_subset in H0.
A : Type
k : nat
O : (A -> bool) -> A -> bool
Hmon : mon O
l : list A
Hin : forall a : A, In a l
Hlen : length l <= k
n : nat
a : A
H : iter O n nil_pred a = true