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namespace :deploy do | |
before :updated, :setup_solr_data_dir do | |
on roles(:app) do | |
unless test "[ -d #{shared_path}/solr/data ]" | |
execute :mkdir, "-p #{shared_path}/solr/data" | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
namespace :solr do | |
%w[start stop].each do |command| | |
desc "#{command} solr" | |
task command do | |
on roles(:app) do | |
solr_pid = "#{shared_path}/pids/sunspot-solr.pid" | |
if command == "start" or (test "[ -f #{solr_pid} ]" and test "kill -0 $( cat #{solr_pid} )") | |
within current_path do | |
with rails_env: fetch(:rails_env, 'production') do | |
execute :bundle, 'exec', 'sunspot-solr', command, "--port=8983 --data-directory=#{shared_path}/solr/data --pid-dir=#{shared_path}/pids" | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
desc "restart solr" | |
task :restart do | |
invoke 'solr:stop' | |
invoke 'solr:start' | |
end | |
after 'deploy:finished', 'solr:restart' | |
desc "reindex the whole solr database" | |
task :reindex do | |
invoke 'solr:stop' | |
on roles(:app) do | |
execute :rm, "-rf #{shared_path}/solr/data" | |
end | |
invoke 'solr:start' | |
on roles(:app) do | |
within current_path do | |
with rails_env: fetch(:rails_env, 'production') do | |
info "Reindexing Solr database" | |
execute :bundle, 'exec', :rake, 'sunspot:solr:reindex[,,true]' | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
@muscardinus thanks for the cap 3 update
Awesome! Thanks for this!
Hi! I get an error.
rails 4.1.6
ruby 2.1.3
G[d8a6c69d] Command: cd /home/ubuntu/www/thecampus/current && ( RAILS_ENV=production ~/.rvm/bin/rvm default do bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:reindex )
DEBUG[d8a6c69d] rake aborted!
DEBUG[d8a6c69d] Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - {:data=>"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><delete><query>type:Activity</query></delete>", :headers=>{"Content-Type"=>"text/xml"}, :method=>:post, :params=>{:wt=>:ruby}, :query=>"wt=ruby", :path=>"update", :uri=>#<URI::HTTP:0x000000039a2448 URL:http://localhost:8983/solr/default/update?wt=ruby>, :open_timeout=>nil, :read_timeout=>nil, :retry_503=>nil, :retry_after_limit=>nil}
Do you know why?
note: when I ssh to the server. I can exec RAILS_ENV=production rake sunspot:solr:reindex
was success.
Thanks a lot! =D
Thanks, but this solution does not work for me.
This gist have the deprecated part as --data-directory
has been replaced with --solr-home
execute :bundle, 'exec', 'sunspot-solr', command, "--port=8983 --data-directory=#{shared_path}/solr/data --pid-dir=#{shared_path}/pids"
I had replaced it with below as.
execute :bundle, 'exec', 'sunspot-solr', command, "--port=8983 --solr-home=#{shared_path}/solr --pid-dir=#{shared_path}/pids"
But it also not works for me. I have below version for Sunspot, etc.
sunspot_solr 2.2.7
sunspot 2.2.7
sunspot_rails 2.2.7
For Capistrano 3, I have made an updated version: https://gist.github.com/lalitlogical/4c8c047b95fe45da6ae19d1b59411783
Thanks a lot!