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Last active December 11, 2023 15:16
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Draft of proposed API usage for async rclrs
fn main() {
// BasicExecutor will be the executor that we provide out-of-the-box from rclrs.
// Using the plain new() constructor for BasicExecutor will create a Context using
// the user's command line arguments.
let mut executor = rclrs::BasicExecutor::new();
// String-like types can be automatically converted into NodeOptions.
let node = executor.create_node("mobility");
// Create a "worker" that manages some data that callbacks associated with this worker
// can access and mutate. Workers cannot be associated with async callbacks, but async
// callbacks can access the worker's data using Worker::query(). Callbacks associated
// with this worker are strictly run one-by-one.
let state_worker = node.create_worker(MobilityState::new());
// Accepts an FnMut(&mut T, Msg), allowing the callback to modify the worker's
// payload, as well as any of the closure's internal state. Any callback related
// to a worker will be run strictly one at a time and have mutable access to the
// worker's payload.
let pose_update = state_worker.create_subscription(
|state: &mut MobilityState, msg: geometry_msgs::msg::Pose| {
state.pose = msg.into();
let velocity_cmd = node.create_publisher::<geometry_msgs::msg::Twist>("velocity");
let drive_timer = state_worker.create_wall_timer(
move |state: &mut MobilityState| {
// Periodically calculate what velocity command is needed for the
// robot to drive towards its target.
let twist = calculate_differential_drive_twist(&state.pose, &;
let state_worker_clone = state_worker.clone();
let header_generator = rclrs::HeaderGenerator::new("map");
// Accepts an Fn(Request) -> impl Future<Response>
let planner_service = node.create_service(
// String-like types can be automatically converted to ServiceOptions
move |request| {
async move {
// Query the position. Await because the worker may be operating
// on the data right now.
let pose = state_worker_clone.query().await.pose;
let plan = thirdpary_planner::generate_plan(pose, request.goal).await;
nav_msgs::msg::Path {
poses: plan.into(),
// Create a client that can use the planner
let planner_client = node.create_client("planner");
// Create an action that carries out navigation commands
let state_worker_clone = state_worker.clone();
let navigate = node.create_action(
move |request, feedback| {
async move {
let plan = planner_client.request(request).await;
let path = plan.path;
let seq = plan.header.seq;
let n_poses = path.len() as f32;
for (i, goal_pose) in path.into_iter().enumerate() {|state: &mut MobilityState| {
state.goal = goal_pose;
state.goal_seq = seq;
// Each time the state_worker runs a callback that could modify
// its payload, this watching callback will be run. Each time that
// it returns None it will keep being run. The first time returns
// Some(T), the watcher will stop running and the future returned by
// .watch(~) will resolve to the T.
let progress =|state: &MobilityState| {
if state.goal_seq != seq {
return Some(Err(state.goal_seq));
close_enough(state, goal_pose).then_some(Ok(state.pose))
match progress {
Ok(pose) => {
// We reached this waypoint so send feedback on the
// progress that has been made.
feedback.send(NavigateAction_Result {
percentage: i as f32 / n_poses;
Err(_) => {
// This action was interrupted, so finish the action
// with a response that says it was interrupted.
return Navigate_Response {
// A different
result: Navigate_Response::INTERRUPTED,
// We made it through all the waypoints, so respond by saying that
// the robot has arrived.
Navigate_Response {
result: Navigate_Respons::ARRIVED,
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