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Silin Na n1207n

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aviflax / Dockerfile
Last active January 7, 2022 22:33
A Docker setup for building and using a multi-architecture image with the Confluent Platform (community edition)
# We could use a smaller/simpler image to download the package, but this is the same base image as
# our ultimate image that we’re building, so we get to reuse the same cached layers.
FROM debian:buster-slim AS builder
WORKDIR /tmp/install
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -yq wget
RUN wget --quiet \
-O confluent-community.tar.gz \
chhantyal /
Last active April 27, 2023 23:53
Convert Spark RDD to Pandas DataFrame inside Spark executors and make Spark DataFrame from resulting RDD. This is distributed i.e. no need for collecting RDD to driver.
Spark DataFrame is distributed but it lacks many features compared to Pandas.
If you want to use Pandas, you can't just convert Spark DF to Pandas because that means collecting it to driver.
It can be slow & not work at all when data size is big.
So only way to use Pandas is to create mini dataframes inside executors.
This gist shows how to create DataFrame from RDD inside Spark executors & build Spark DataFrame from final output.
# Convert function to use in mapPartitions
SheldonWangRJT / Convert .mov or .MP4 to
Last active March 3, 2025 07:49
Convert Movie(.mov) file to Gif(.gif) file in one command line in Mac Terminal

This notes is written by Sheldon. You can find me with #iOSBySheldon in Github, Youtube, Facebook, etc.


Convert .mov/.MP4 to .gif


As a developer, I feel better to upload a short video when I create the pull request to show other viewers what I did in this PR. I tried .mov format directly got after finishing recording screen using Quicktime, however, gif offers preview in most web pages, and has smaller file size.

This is not limited to developer, anyone has this need can use this method to convert the files.

learner-long-life /
Created July 31, 2017 02:18
How to Set up an Ethereum Dev Environment

How to Set up an Ethereum Dev Environment

So you want to be an Ethereum developer! Congrats, much treasure awaits you. Developing Ethereum dapps benefits from having a well-crafted development environment. This can often be daunting to beginners, so I'm giving you my favorite dev environment to help get you started.

Once your code fortress is constructed, you'll be able to

  • Compile smart contracts written in Solidity
StevenACoffman / _MicroService Proxy Gateway
Last active July 15, 2024 05:12
Microservice Proxy/Gateway Solutions

MicroService Proxy Gateway Solutions

Kong, Traefik, Caddy, Linkerd, Fabio, Vulcand, and Netflix Zuul seem to be the most common in microservice proxy/gateway solutions. Kubernetes Ingress is often a simple Ngnix, which is difficult to separate the popularity from other things.

Github Star Trend:

Github Star History for Kong vs traefik vs fabio vs caddy vs Zuul

This is just a picture of this link from March 2, 2019

Originally, I had included some other solution

joepie91 /
Last active January 29, 2025 17:17
Secure random values (in Node.js)

Not all random values are created equal - for security-related code, you need a specific kind of random value.

A summary of this article, if you don't want to read the entire thing:

  • Don't use Math.random(). There are extremely few cases where Math.random() is the right answer. Don't use it, unless you've read this entire article, and determined that it's necessary for your case.
  • Don't use crypto.getRandomBytes directly. While it's a CSPRNG, it's easy to bias the result when 'transforming' it, such that the output becomes more predictable.
  • If you want to generate random tokens or API keys: Use uuid, specifically the uuid.v4() method. Avoid node-uuid - it's not the same package, and doesn't produce reliably secure random values.
  • If you want to generate random numbers in a range: Use random-number-csprng.

You should seriously consider reading the entire article, though - it's

wassname / permutations.js
Last active June 28, 2022 22:53
Combinatorics permutatons and product in javascript using lodash.js (like python's itertools)
* Lodash mixins for combinatorics
* by: wassname & visangela
* url:
* lodash contrib issue:
* lic: same as lodash
* Inspired by python itertools:
* Usage:
* permutations([0,1,2],2) // [[0,1],[0,2],[1,0],[1,2],[2,0],[2,1]]
vasanthk / System
Last active March 3, 2025 03:23
System Design Cheatsheet

System Design Cheatsheet

Picking the right architecture = Picking the right battles + Managing trade-offs

Basic Steps

  1. Clarify and agree on the scope of the system
  • User cases (description of sequences of events that, taken together, lead to a system doing something useful)
    • Who is going to use it?
    • How are they going to use it?
ddennedy / dash-avc264 command lines
Last active July 27, 2022 03:44
Use ffmpeg and mp4box to prepare DASH-AVC/264 v1.0 VoD
See my DASH-IF presentation from October, 2014:
1. encode multiple bitrates with keyframe alignment:
ffmpeg -i ~/Movies/5D2_Portrait.MOV -s 1280x720 -c:v libx264 -b:v 1450k -bf 2 \
-g 90 -sc_threshold 0 -c:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 96k -ar 32000 out.mp4
My input was 30 fps = 3000 ms. If it were 29.97, then a GOP size of 90 frames will yield a base segment
size of 3003 milliseconds. You can make the segment size some multiple of this, e.g.: 6006, 9009, 12012.
nealtodd /
Last active November 14, 2019 01:25
Skip migrations for a Django 1.7 test run
# If your test settings file doesn't import any other settings file
# then you can use the function directly:
def prevent_tests_migrate(db):
import django
from django.db import connections
from django.db.migrations.executor import MigrationExecutor
ma = MigrationExecutor(connections[db]).loader.migrated_apps
return dict(zip(ma, ['{a}.notmigrations'.format(a=a) for a in ma]))