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Nathan Henrie n8henrie

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n8henrie / Average Internet Speed.ipynb
Last active March 28, 2019 18:47
My average internet speed over the last year or so
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n8henrie /
Last active April 2, 2020 07:18
Python transliteration of whois tool, taken from
Whois client for python
transliteration of:
The MIT License (MIT)
n8henrie /
Created May 18, 2017 13:49
Format free text date in yyyymmdd format
""" :: Format free text date in yyyymmdd format."""
n8henrie /
Last active March 14, 2017 17:54
Create a new draft for
""" :: Create a new draft for
--drafts-dir: Path to drafts directory
import datetime
import argparse
n8henrie /
Created December 11, 2016 04:18
irssi script to notify via Notification Center if I'm mentioned by nickname or receive a DM
# Script for irssi to trigger macOs Notification Center
# Nathan Henrie (modifications, ©2016)
# Inspired by
# Currently notifies if mentioned by nickname or if PMed
# Only sends a static message to avoid arbitrary command execution by `system`
## Installation:
# Copy to `~/.irssi/scripts/` (and symlink to `~/.irssi/scripts/autorun` if desired)
n8henrie /
Last active November 22, 2016 18:38
Gist of simple timing comparisons in Python
""" :: A bunch of `timeit` comparisons for different snippets.
The module just loads the tests, so you can run specific examples interactively
if desired:
$ python3 -i <(curl -s
>>> find_vs_split_vs_re()
Best of 10000 runs over 5 repeats
test_find: 0.0087874069577083
test_split: 0.013382209988776594
n8henrie / ScratchpadMe.applescript
Last active November 14, 2016 16:47
Quicksilver Action to add Quicksilver contents to my "scratchpad" with a timestamp
property test_str : "This is a test note."
on process_text(str)
set time_str to current date
tell application "Notes"
-- log (get properties of first note)
set scratchpad to first note whose name is "#scratchpad #scratchpad"
set notebody to body of scratchpad
// Downloads all Project Euler problems into directory `outdir`
// With queue of 10 runs in about 43 seconds for 582 problems
// Python asyncio solution was about 42 secs
package main
import (
n8henrie / .gitignore
Last active October 6, 2023 18:32
Download and install Golang for Raspberry Pi
n8henrie / strip_whitespace.applescript
Created July 7, 2016 19:32
Quicksilver Action to strip leading and trailing whitespace
property test_block_text : "
this and
that and
on process_text(block_text)
-- AppleScript and Quicksilver are using code "e2 80 a8" as linebreak for some reason
-- inspect by piping to `hexdump -C` and viewing with `echo -e`
set perl to "/usr/bin/perl -0777 -pe 's#(^[[:space:]\\xe2\\x80\\xa8]*)|([[:space:]\\xe2\\x80\\xa8])*$##g' <<<"