Start up a lambda-like docker container:
docker run -i -t -v /tmp:/var/task lambci/lambda:build /bin/bash
Install some dependencies inside the container:
yum install gperf freetype-devel libxml2-devel git libtool -y
easy_install pip
""" | |
An experimental tokenizer for bash syntax. | |
This is an alternative to shlex from the standard library for tokenizing posix | |
style command line statements. | |
On top of the word-splitting and quote removal functionality of shlex, this | |
library also makes it possilbe to tell which glob characters are escaped, and | |
preserves semantics for variable & arithmetic expansions. |
""" | |
A utility for running non-async code concurrently using threads and asyncio. | |
# Call a function as async in a background thread | |
```python | |
import asyncio | |
asyncify = AsyncThread() |
from import Set | |
from numpy import packbits | |
import math | |
import random | |
from typing import Any, Callable, Collection, Iterable, Iterator | |
class ImmutableBitSet(Set): | |
_content: bytes |
from magic_glue import create_grpc_handler, rpc_method | |
from .generated_code.mypackage import MyRequest, MyResponse | |
# Create a servicer class with the rpc methods we want to implement | |
class MyServicer: | |
# grpcio needs to know the fully qualified name of the service | |
# It would be better if this was available from the betterproto generated classes | |
# to save having to copy it from the proto file manually | |
service_name = "mypackage.MyService" |
import asyncio | |
class Worker: | |
def __init__(self, cmd, limit=None, separator=b"\n"): | |
self.cmd = cmd | |
self.limit = limit | |
self.separator = separator | |
async def send(self, data): |
from typing import List, Tuple | |
def encode(number: int) -> bytes: | |
assert number >= 0, "Can only encode positive integers" | |
flag_mask = 0b10000000 | |
value_mask = 0b01111111 | |
bytes_buffer = [number & value_mask] | |
number = number >> 7 | |
while number: |
window.animate = (function () { | |
function animate(initialValue, finalValue, duration, callback, ease, startTime, currentTime) { | |
if (startTime) { | |
if (currentTime - startTime >= duration) { | |
callback(finalValue); | |
return; | |
} | |
callback(ease(currentTime - startTime, initialValue, finalValue - initialValue, duration)); | |
} |
public struct CircularBuffer<T>: Collection, CustomStringConvertible { | |
private var cursor: Int = 0 | |
private var contents: [T] = [] | |
let capacity: Int | |
public init(capacity: Int) { | |
self.capacity = capacity | |
} | |
public subscript(i: Int) -> T { |
tmux new-session -d -s repls 'irb'
tmux send-keys 'p "Hello Ruby!"' C-m
tmux rename-window 'Repls'
tmux select-window -t 'Repls'
tmux split-window -h 'python'
tmux send-keys 'print "Hello Python!"' C-m
tmux split-window -v -t 0 'node'
tmux send-keys 'console.log("Hello node!")' C-m