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Last active November 2, 2020 16:20
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POC for using betterproto with grpcio without generated a servicer
from magic_glue import create_grpc_handler, rpc_method
from .generated_code.mypackage import MyRequest, MyResponse
# Create a servicer class with the rpc methods we want to implement
class MyServicer:
# grpcio needs to know the fully qualified name of the service
# It would be better if this was available from the betterproto generated classes
# to save having to copy it from the proto file manually
service_name = "mypackage.MyService"
def MyMethod(self, request: MyRequest, context) -> MyResponse:
# the method name has to match the protobuf rpc name, or provide name kwarg to
# the decorator instead if you can't stand camelcase
return MyResponse(...)
# Create grpcio server
server = grpc.server()
# Create a handler and register it with the server
server.add_generic_rpc_handlers((create_grpc_handler(MyServicer()), ))
# And you can call/test it
MyServiceStub = create_stub_class(MyServicer)
test_client = MyServiceStub(test_channel)
response = test_client.MyMethod(MyRequest(...))
This module provides basically everything you need to make it convenient to use
of betterproto classes with grpcio without any extra generated servicer code.
def rpc_method(*, request=None, response=None, nam e=None):
A decorator to apply to servicer methods to annotate them as rpc
methods for the handler.
TODO: extend this to allow specification of stream io
def inner_decorator(func):
signature = typing.get_type_hints(func)
func.__rpc_method__ = {
"request": signature.get("request", request),
"response": signature.get("return", response),
"name": name or func.__name__,
assert func.__rpc_method__["request"], "request type must be annotated"
assert func.__rpc_method__["response"], "response type must be annotated"
return func
return inner_decorator
def is_rpc_method(value):
Check if the given value is a function annotated with __rpc_method__
return callable(value) and isinstance(getattr(value, "__rpc_method__", None), dict)
def create_stub_class(servicer_cls):
Creates a grpcio testing client for the given servicer_cls
class GenericStub:
def __init__(self, channel):
rpc_methods = inspect.getmembers(servicer_cls, is_rpc_method)
for name, method in rpc_methods:
method_stub = channel.unary_unary(
setattr(self, name, method_stub)
return GenericStub
def create_grpc_handler(servicer):
Create a handler from the given servicer class that can be added to a grpcio
TODO: add support for stream methods in the decorator
return grpc.method_handlers_generic_handler(
method.__rpc_method__.get("name"): grpc.unary_unary_rpc_method_handler(
method.__rpc_method__.get("request"), "FromString", None
method.__rpc_method__.get("response"), "SerializeToString", None
for _, method in inspect.getmembers(servicer, is_rpc_method)
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