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Created September 22, 2015 21:28
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Save ncase/23e545b9fa1cf40c9735 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Captions for Neurotic Neurons, to be translated.
"intro0": "So, I always used to get anxiety.",
"intro1": "Then I would get anxiety ABOUT getting anxiety.",
"intro2": "It was anxiety all the way down.",
"intro3": "",
"prop0": "Hi, I'm Nicky Case,",
"prop1": "and this is an interactive explanation about neurons.",
"prop2": "Yup! You can actually interact with this,",
"prop3": "♬ so why don't you try that thing ♬",
"prop4": "and click on a neuron, and see what happens?",
"prop5": "Ex-CUSE me, I was talking!... I'm just kidding.",
"prop6": "Okay, wow, you're really into this, clicking EVERYTHING,",
"prop7": "COOL. GOT IT. AWESOME.",
"prop8": "Yeah!",
"prop8.5": "Watch how the signals propagate down,",
"prop9": "from neuron to neuron to neuron.",
"prop10": "Try clicking some more.",
"prop11": "Of course, this is a simplified model,",
"prop12": "but that's roughly how neurons work.",
"prop13": "One thought fires the next, and so on,",
"prop14": "but... in the ANXIOUS brain...",
"mesmerizing": "Kind of mesmerizing, isn't it?",
// MY FEARS //
"fear0": "THIS is what happens.",
"fear1": "Innocent thoughts connect to anxious thoughts.",
"fear2": "Personally, I used to be so afraid of being seen as a failure,",
"fear3": "of being close to people,",
"fear4": "and of...",
"fear5": "holes.",
"fear6": "Coz... I don't know why, but tightly clustered holes",
"fear7": "just kinda creep me out, y'know? I dunno.",
"hebb0": "[SOUNDS]",
"hebb1": "Anyway... how do we learn these fears in the first place?",
"hebb2": "Well, to explain that, let me get rid of all this...",
"hebb3": "and give you...",
"hebb4": "this!",
"hebb5": "Hebbian Learning.",
"hebb6": "“Neurons that fire together, wire together.”",
"hebb7": "This is a rule of thumb that neuroscientists use to describe how",
"hebb8": "neurons make new connections.",
"hebb9": "Basically, if you fire one neuron, then fire another neuron,",
"hebb10": "the first neuron will connect TO the second neuron.",
"hebb11": "Try it out for yourself!",
"hebb12": "Too slow! You didn't click fast enough. Try again?",
"hebb13": "Not close enough. Try a different pair of neurons.",
"hebb14": "And that's how we learn!",
"hebb15": "Of course, we don't learn that quickly in real life,",
"hebb16": "I sped this simulation up, eh, but still.",
"hebb17": "Now play around, make a few more connections,",
"hebb18": "maybe make a chain or something.",
"hebb19": "This learning rule is why, if you were bitten by a dog as a kid,",
"hebb20": "you might develop a fear of dogs!",
"hebb21": "Because your 'dog' neuron fired, then your 'pain' neuron fired.",
"hebb22": "And thus, 'dog' connected to 'pain'.",
"anti0": "Anyway, if that's how we learn, here's how we un-learn.",
"anti1": "Anti-Hebbian Learning.",
"anti2": "“Neurons that fire out of sync, lose their link.”",
"anti3": "Another rule of thumb neuroscientists have!",
"anti4": "So - if you already have a connection from one neuron to another,",
"anti5": "and you fire the first neuron WITHOUT firing the second neuron,",
"anti6": "the connection weakens.",
"anti7": "Again, try it out.",
"anti8": "That neuron didn't have any connections.",
"anti9": "You need to find one that's connected.",
"anti10": "Ah, so that neuron only has connections going TO it, but not FROM it.",
"anti11": "You need to find one that has connections FROM it.",
"anti12": "Now wait for it...",
"anti13": "And look! The connection's weaker.",
"anti14": "Do that again, and this time, the connection will be totally killed.",
"anti15": "And this unlearning rule is why, if you have a fear of dogs,",
"anti16": "and you're exposed to friendly dogs over and over again,",
"anti17": "you might unlearn that fear.",
"anti18": "'Dog' neuron gets fired, WITHOUT the 'pain' neuron getting fired,",
"anti19": "and therefore - the connection weakens.",
"ther0": "So now that you know how we learn & unlearn, let's revisit...",
"ther1": "...this.",
"ther2": "I want you to re-train this brain.",
"ther3": "Rewire, reconnect each of these three things,",
"ther4": "from feeling fear, to feeling safe.",
"ther5": "See, rewiring yourself may cause anxiety in the short term...",
"ther6": "...but it is SO worth it in the long term.",
"ther7": "One down, two more to go.",
"ther8": "Two down, one more to go.",
"ther9": "i. still. don't. like. holes.",
"ther10": "And... you did it!",
"ther11": "What you just did is called 'exposure therapy'.",
"ther12": "It's one of the most evidence-backed therapies out there",
"ther13": "for treating specific phobias, PTSD, and other anxiety disorders.",
// OUTRO //
"outro0": "Again, in real life, rewiring yourself is not easy, it's not quick,",
"outro1": "but it can be done.",
"outro2": "I promise you -- I'm proof --",
"outro3": "It can be done.",
"cred0": "Hey, huge thanks to all my Patreon supporters, because without them,",
"cred1": "I wouldn't be able to make these weird interactive things,",
"cred2": "and I'd probably be forced to get a real job.",
"cred3": "So if you'd like to help me keep making stuff like this,",
"cred4": "and be credited in the next thing I make,",
"cred5": "check out my Patreon!",
"cred6": "The music you're listening to was made by the wonderful Phyrnna,",
"cred7": "who I've collaborated with before on two projects that I failed to finish.",
"cred8": "For another interactive explanation, check out Parable of the Polygons!",
"cred9": "It was a collaboration I did with Vi Hart -- yes, *that* Vi Hart! :D --",
"cred10": "about systemic bias and diversity.",
"cred11": "And remember, this interactive explanation was just an introduction.",
"cred12": "So if you wanna learn more, *definitely* check out the further reading",
"cred13": "in the description below. ",
"cred14": "Orrrrr you could just play with the sandbox on the left",
"cred15": "because it's pretty fun.",
"cred16": "Either way, thank you so, so much for watching.",
"cred17": "",
"cred18": "um, playing?... watching?",
"cred19": "",
"cred20": "plotching.",
"cred21": "Thank you so much for plotching.",
"extra0": "Rewiring yourself may cause anxiety in the short term,",
"extra1": "but it's so worth it in the long term.",
"extra2": "A conditioned fear.",
"extra3": "The fear is extinguished.",
"extra4": "Whoo!",
"extra5": "ta-dahhh~",
"extra6": "See, the trick is to EXPOSE yourself to what you're afraid of,",
"extra7": "but in a safe manner.",
"extra8": "Face your fears in a safe space.",
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Hi, I quickly pulled together this traslation into Brazilian Portuguese. If you want to have a look! Thank you so much for the interactive video, I really like it and hope this translation lets it get across to more people :)

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