/etc/default/grub => get back to terminal messages
/etc/systemd/system.conf => limit start-/stop-jobs to 3s
/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume => define swap-partition to resume from
/etc/modules => ad elan_i2c
cat /lib/systemd/system-sleep/trackpoint-resume
#!/bin/sh case $1 in post) rmmod psmouse modprobe psmouse ;; esac
/etc/default/macchanger => configure to use only for certain devices
Hamburg VPN => OpenConnect cisco/client
- use grpip: SplitTunnel Group
- persist configs /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/???.nmconnection
- form:main:group_list=SPLIT-VPN
- form:main:username=???
/usr/share/applications/code.desktop => launch vscode with zsh, so it picks up JAVA_HOME env