This is an opinionated handbook on how I migrated all my Rails apps off the cloud and into VPS.
This is how I manage real production loads for my Rails apps. It assumes:
- Rails 7+
- Ruby 3+
- PostgreSQL
- Ubuntu Server 24.04
- Capistrano, Puma, Nginx
This is an opinionated handbook on how I migrated all my Rails apps off the cloud and into VPS.
This is how I manage real production loads for my Rails apps. It assumes:
## Context + metadata | |
shared_context 'Logged as a user', role: true do | |
let(:user) { |example| create :user, example.metadata[:role] } | |
before { login_as user } | |
end | |
scenario "Login as a client", role: :client | |
scenario "Login as a customer", role: :customer | |
scenario "Login as an admin", role: :admin |