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Nik B nikicat

Working from home
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supertestnet /
Last active January 2, 2025 02:40
Burrow: a federated coinpool built on hedgehog channels


Burrow is a proposal for a federated coinpool on top of hedgehog channels. The coinpool can have a bunch of cool properties:

  • a single-honest-party assumption, so the federation can't rug any user unless the keyholders in the federation are all scoundrels

  • users can onboard into the pool without an on-chain transaction (e.g. maybe you send in coins via lightning, or maybe another user gives you your first coins from within the pool)

  • every onboarded user gets their own wallet interface with their own personal balance and Send/Receive buttons

supertestnet / gist:5f262c632cbcd00348824aad5c289705
Last active April 24, 2024 17:13
Unnamed Noncustodial Inchoate Sidechains On Bitvm (Unisob)

Unnamed Noncustodial Inchoate Sidechains On Bitvm (Unisob)

I have an independent bitvm sidechain model that works without a federation. Instead, there is a "bridge operator" who assists with depositing money to the sidechain as well as with the "happy path" of withdrawing from the sidechain. In my version, you can withdraw even if the bridge operator ceases operations, because there is also a "sad path" that does not require his ongoing cooperation

the main idea is that when you want to deposit money onto the sidechain you should get a "withdrawal contract" from the bridge operator

the withdrawal contract is done in bitvm and it basically says, if you (the withdrawer) can provide a proof of a valid withdrawal request from the sidechain, the prover has up to X blocks to supply proof that he sent you your money on bitcoin

if he does not supply that proof, you may slash him and take the funds that way

koitsu /
Last active April 6, 2024 10:55
koitsu's THORSwap notes

koitsu's THORSwap notes

This Gist has been replaced by the THORChain Ecosystem Community Guide accessible at

All the same information is available there, albeit even more updated/recent. Additionally, there are multiple collaborators maintaining the new site, which should help improve the quality of the information.

RobinLinus /
Last active February 22, 2025 20:43
zkCoins: A payment system with strong privacy and scalability, combining a client-side validation protocol with validity proofs


Edit: here you can find our research paper describing the protocol more in-depth.

zkCoins is a novel blockchain design with strong privacy and scalability properties. It combines client-side validation with a zero-knowledge proof system. The chain is reduced to a minimum base layer to prevent double spending. Most of the verification complexity is moved off-chain and communicated directly between the individual sender and recipient of a transaction. There are very few global consensus rules, which makes block validation simple. Not even a global UTXO set is required.

In contrast to zk-rollups there is no data availability problem, and no sequencer is required to coordinate a global proof aggregation. The protocol can be implemented as an additional layer contained in Bitcoin's blockchain (similar to RGB[^5] or Taro[^6]) or as a standalone sidechain.

The throughput scales to hundreds of transactions per

tmakerman /
Last active November 22, 2024 09:28
Running Bisq on Raspberry Pi

Running Bisq on Raspberry Pi

Working as of 2023-01-13

My setup:

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5 2GB Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit with Desktop Release Date: September 22nd 2022

yorickdowne /
Last active February 27, 2025 04:36
Great and less great SSDs for Ethereum nodes


Syncing an Ethereum node is largely reliant on latency and IOPS, I/O Per Second, of the storage. Budget SSDs will struggle to an extent, and some won't be able to sync at all. For simplicity, this page treats IOPS as a proxy for/predictor of latency.

This document aims to snapshot some known good and known bad models.

The drive lists are ordered by interface and then by capacity and alphabetically by vendor name, not by preference. The lists are not exhaustive at all. @mwpastore linked a filterable spreadsheet in comments that has a far greater variety of drives and their characteristics. Filter it by DRAM yes, NAND Type TLC, Form Factor M.2, and desired capacity.

For size, 4TB is a very conservative choice. The smaller 2TB drive should last an Ethereum full node until at least sometime 2026, with the pre-merge history expiry scheduled for Ma

RubenSomsen /
Last active December 17, 2024 21:13
Silent Payments – Receive private payments from anyone on a single static address without requiring any interaction or extra on-chain overhead

Silent Payments

Receive private payments from anyone on a single static address without requiring any interaction or extra on-chain overhead.

Update: This now has a BIP and WIP implementation


The recipient generates a so-called silent payment address and makes it publicly known. The sender then takes a public key from one of their chosen inputs for the payment, and uses it to derive a shared secret that is then used to tweak the silent payment address. The recipient detects the payment by scanning every transaction in the blockchain.

Replace by Fee Improvements

This post discusses limitations of current Bitcoin Core RBF policy and attempts to start a conversation about how we can improve it, summarizing some ideas that have been discussed. Please reply if you have any new input on issues to be solved and ideas for improvement!


Please feel free to skip this section if you are already familiar

witmin /
Last active February 10, 2025 16:44
Convert MP4 file to animated WebP in ffmpeg

Convert MP4 file to animated WEBP file in ffmpeg CLI

1. Install ffmpeg CLI through homebrew

In, install ffmpeg through homebrew

brew install ffmpeg

Validate the installation:

SAS: Succinct Atomic Swap

Works today with [single signer ECDSA adaptor signatures][0], or with Schnorr + MuSig.
Other than the explanation below, there's also a diagram and a video.


  • Requires merely two on-chain transactions for successful completion, as opposed to four
  • Scriptless, and one of the chains doesn't need to support timelocks
  • Can be used for efficient privacy swaps, e.g. [Payswap][1]