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Created November 6, 2020 20:03
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__kernel void halton(
uint base1,
uint base2,
const int bufferSize,
__global float2* rngBuffer)
uint mBase2 = base1;
uint mBase3 = base2;
float mX;
float mY;
const float oneOverThree = 1.0f / 3.0f;
for(int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) {
uint oldBase2 = mBase2;
uint diff = mBase2 ^ oldBase2;
float s = 0.5f;
do {
if (oldBase2 & 1)
mX -= s;
mX += s;
s *= 0.5f;
diff = diff >> 1;
oldBase2 = oldBase2 >> 1;
while (diff);
uint mask = 0x03;
uint add = 0x01;
s = oneOverThree;
while(1) {
if ((mBase3 & mask) == mask) {
mBase3 += add;
mY -= 2 * s;
mask = mask << 2;
add = add << 2;
s *= oneOverThree;
else {
mY += s;
rngBuffer[i] = (float2)(mX, mY);
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