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Orchitiadi Ismaulana Putra noxzym

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"$schema": "",
"awards": [],
"basics": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"image": "",
"label": "Undergraduate Informatics Student at Gunadarma University | Web-App Developer",
"location": {
"address": "Indonesia",
"countryCode": "ID"
const { Listener } = require("discord-akairo");
const { createEmbed } = require("../../Utils/CreateEmbed");
module.exports = class ShoobTimerEvent extends Listener {
constructor() {
super("ShoobTimerEvent", {
emitter: "client",
event: "message",
category: "client",
import { Listener } from "discord-akairo";
import { createEmbed } from "../../Utils/ArgumentHandler";
import { Message, User } from "discord.js";
import MunariClient from "../../Structures/MunariClient";
export default class ShoobTimerEvent extends Listener {
constructor(public client: MunariClient) {
super("ShoobTimerEvent", {
emitter: "client",
event: "message",