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Created May 14, 2011 16:31
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(use 'clojure.contrib.combinatorics)
(def seeds [7 7 7 9 11 11])
(def result 218/100)
(def inject-pos
(fn [n m]
(combinations (range (+ n m)) m))))
(defn inject* [coll items pos]
[p 0,
[x & xs :as pos] pos,
[c & cs :as coll] coll,
[i & is :as items] items,
acc nil]
(and (nil? c) (nil? i))
(reverse acc)
(= p x)
(recur (inc p) xs coll is (cons i acc))
(recur (inc p) pos cs items (cons c acc)))))
(defn inject [coll items]
(let [n (count coll)
m (count items)
pos (inject-pos n m)]
(for [p pos] (inject* coll items p))))
(defn rcombinations [coll n]
(zero? n)
(= 1 (count coll))
[(repeat n (first coll))]
(concat (map #(cons (first coll) %)
(rcombinations coll (dec n)))
(rcombinations (rest coll) n))))
(def candidates-op*
(fn [n]
(rcombinations '[+ - * /] (dec (count seeds))))))
(defn candidates [seeds]
(apply concat
(for [nums (permutations seeds),
opes (candidates-op* 6),
ops (permutations opes)]
(inject nums ops))))
(defn eval-rev-poland [code]
(loop [[c & cs] code, stack nil]
(nil? c)
(first stack)
(number? c)
(recur cs (cons c stack))
(if-let [b (first stack)]
(if-let [a (second stack)]
(if (not (and (= c '/) (= b 0)))
(let [e (case c
'+ (+ a b)
'- (- a b)
'* (* a b)
'/ (/ a b))]
(recur cs (cons e (drop 2 stack))))))))))
(def answer (filter #(= (eval-rev-poland %) result) (candidates seeds)))
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