#!/usr/bin/env bash |
set -e |
cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" || exit |
SPACE_ORG="org.jetbrains.space" |
SPACE_TOKEN="<personal-token>" |
source .env |
if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
echo "You need to specify the issue (like PROJ-T-123)" |
exit 1 |
fi |
ISSUE="$1" |
FROM="2000-01-01T00%3A00%3A00.000Z" |
COMMENTS_FILE="$OUTDIR/comments.json" |
ISSUE_FILE="$OUTDIR/issue.json" |
ATTACHMENTS="$OUTDIR/attachments" |
mkdir -p "$OUTDIR" |
# Store the issue itself |
curl -s "https://$SPACE_ORG/api/http/issues?issueId=key:$ISSUE&\$fields=id,assignee(username),attachmentsCount,commentsCount,createdBy(name),creationTime,deletedBy(name),deletedTime,dueDate,number,status(name,resolved,archived),tags(name),title,attachments(details(id,filename,name,deletedIdentity)),customFields,description" \ |
-H "Authorization: Bearer $SPACE_TOKEN" \ |
-H 'Accept: application/json' | jq . > "$ISSUE_FILE" |
echo "Got issue.json for $ISSUE" |
TEMP_FILE=$(mktemp) |
# Initialize an empty array for all messages |
echo '[]' > "$TEMP_FILE" |
for ((i=0; i<MAX_ITERATIONS; i++)); do |
RESPONSE=$(curl -s "https://$SPACE_ORG/api/http/chats/messages?channel=issue:key:$ISSUE&startFromDate=$FROM&sorting=FromOldestToNewest&batchSize=50&\$fields=nextStartFromDate,messages(id,created,edited,text,time,author(name),details(className),attachments(details(id,filename,name,unfurl(details(tag(name),strikeThrough)))),reactions(emojiReactions(emoji,meReacted,count)))" \ |
-H "Authorization: Bearer $SPACE_TOKEN" \ |
-H 'Accept: application/json') |
# Extract messages from the response and add to the temporary file |
echo "$RESPONSE" | jq '.messages' | jq -s 'add' "$TEMP_FILE" - > "$TEMP_FILE.new" && mv "$TEMP_FILE.new" "$TEMP_FILE" |
LENGTH=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq '.messages | length') |
echo "Got $LENGTH messages in query $((i+1))" |
if [[ "$LENGTH" != 50 ]]; then |
break |
fi |
if [[ $i -eq $((MAX_ITERATIONS-1)) ]]; then |
rm "$TEMP_FILE" |
exit 1 |
fi |
FROM=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.nextStartFromDate.iso') |
done |
# Wrap the final array in an object |
jq '{ messages: . }' "$TEMP_FILE" > "$COMMENTS_FILE" |
rm "$TEMP_FILE" |
LENGTH=$(jq '.messages | length' < "$COMMENTS_FILE") |
echo "All $LENGTH messages have been concatenated into 'comments.json'" |
# loading the issue attachments |
LIST=$(jq -r 'select(.attachments | length > 0).attachments[].details | select(.className != "UnfurlAttachment") | [ .className, .id, .name+.filename ] | @csv' < "$ISSUE_FILE") |
echo "$LIST" | while IFS=',' read -r TYPE ID NAME |
do |
TYPE=$(echo $TYPE | tr -d '"') |
ID=$(echo $ID | tr -d '"') |
NAME=$(echo $NAME | tr -d '"') |
# Skip empty lines |
[ -z "$TYPE" ] && continue |
[ "$TYPE" = "DeletedAttachment" ] && continue |
# skip existing attachments |
if [ -f "$ATTACHMENTS/$ID/$NAME" ]; then |
echo "Skipping existing \"$NAME\" ($ID / $TYPE)" |
continue |
fi |
# Print the extracted values |
mkdir -p "$ATTACHMENTS/$ID" |
echo "Downloading \"$NAME\" ($ID / $TYPE)" |
curl -s -L "https://$SPACE_ORG/d/$ID?f=0&download=true" -H "Authorization: Bearer $SPACE_TOKEN" -o "$ATTACHMENTS/$ID/$NAME" |
done |
# loading the comment attachments |
LIST=$(jq -r '.messages[] | select(.attachments | length > 0).attachments[].details | select(.className != "UnfurlAttachment") | [ .className, .id, .name+.filename ] | @csv' < "$COMMENTS_FILE") |
echo "$LIST" | while IFS=',' read -r TYPE ID NAME |
do |
TYPE=$(echo $TYPE | tr -d '"') |
ID=$(echo $ID | tr -d '"') |
NAME=$(echo $NAME | tr -d '"') |
# Skip empty lines |
[ -z "$TYPE" ] && continue |
[ "$TYPE" = "DeletedAttachment" ] && continue |
# skip existing attachments |
if [ -f "$ATTACHMENTS/$ID/$NAME" ]; then |
echo "Skipping existing \"$NAME\" ($ID / $TYPE)" |
continue |
fi |
# Print the extracted values |
mkdir -p "$ATTACHMENTS/$ID" |
echo "Downloading \"$NAME\" ($ID / $TYPE)" |
curl -s -L "https://$SPACE_ORG/d/$ID?f=0&download=true" -H "Authorization: Bearer $SPACE_TOKEN" -o "$ATTACHMENTS/$ID/$NAME" |
done |
How can i download more than 1000 (say around 5000) issues?