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[Drupal 8 Twig cheatsheet] #tags: drupal8, twig, cheatsheet

Drupal 8 Twig cheatsheet

Getting Drupal 8 field values in Twig

Image path: {{ file_url(content.field_name['#items'].entity.uri.value) }}

Image title text: {{ node.field_name.title }}

Entity Reference path: {{ content.field_tags[0]['#url'] }}


Check if field is filled

  {% if content.field_image|length %}
  <div class="banner">{{ content.field_image[0] }}</div>
  {% endif %}

Check for some content existence

Those solutions are not perfect. @see

  • e.g. for a region or a field that contains text content.field_fee|render|striptags|trim
  • e.g. for a field image using field value module content.header.field_image|field_value

Custom date format

{% set date = node.createdtime|format_date('long') %}


Use Twig date filter + a defined Drupal date format

{{ node.field_blog_date.value|date('U')|format_date('short_mdyyyy') }}

Use Twig date filter

{{ node.field_blog_date.value|date('n/j/Y') }}

Set variables in a translated twig variable

<p class="submitted">{{ "Submitted by !author on @date"|t({ '!author': author, '@date': date }) }}</p>


  {% set front_uri = path('<front>') %}
  {% set search_uri = path('view.solr_search_content.page_1') %}
  <p>{% trans %}Return to the <a href="{{ front_uri }}">homepage</a> or <a href="{{ search_uri }}">search articles</a>.{% endtrans %}</p>
  <p>{{ 'Return to the <a href="@front">homepage</a> or <a href="@search">search articles</a>.'|t({'@front': front_uri, '@search': search_uri}) }}</p>


{% set  url_1 = path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': 1050}) %}
{% set  url_2 = path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': 2010}) %}
{% trans %}I will have <a href="{{ url_1 }}">one link</a> and <a href="{{ url_2 }}">a second link.</a>{% endtrans %}

@see - more on twig translation

Create a link

<a href="{{ path('contact.site_page') }}">{{ 'Contact'|t }}</a>    
<a href="{{ url('contact.site_page') }}">{{ 'Contact'|t }}</a>
{{ link('Contact'|t, 'base:contact', { 'class':[] }) }}

@see -

Render a field to use it eg, in a translated string

{% set number = "Duo @number"|t({ '@number': number|render|striptags }) %}


Loop through child elements in Twig like Element::children()

! First @see And

{% for key, child in parent if key|first != '#' %}
  {{ child }}
{% endfor %}



{% for key, item in items %}
  {% if key matches '/^\\d+$/' %}
    {{ item }}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Be carreful, this bypasses theme and will print without template and any html field wrappers @see

Merge arrays

That synthax avoid errors if classes is initialy empty.

{% set classes = { 'class' : 'teaser' }|merge({ (classes) : classes }) %}
<article class="{{ classes|join(' ') }}" role="article">

Override custom layout templates (eg for a specific node)

  1. Be carreful to set
  class: '\Drupal\ds\Plugin\DsLayout'
  1. Also name the template as the machine name otherwise suggestions provided by DS will not follow the same convention bu the one from machine name then Entity, bundle, view mode
  template: templates/et-twocols-hero

Provide splited views More link and title vars

 * Implements template_preprocess_views_view()
 * @param array $variables
function hook_preprocess_views_view(&$variables){
  $view = $variables['view'];

  $variables['more_url'] = $variables['more']['#url'];
  $variables['more_text'] = $variables['more']["#title"];

  // @todo see usage of `title`, maybe combined with twig if on default template
  $variables['custom_title'] = [
    '#markup' => $view->getTitle(),

Provide block classes from id

  • plugin_id : unique identifier provided for all blocks (duplicated one, displayed by context module)
  • elements['#id'] : unique identifier depending on block id defined via block layout UI, NULL is returned by context module
  set classes = [
    'block-' ~ plugin_id|clean_class,
    'block--' ~ (elements['#id'] ? elements['#id']|clean_class),

Provide Custom block bundle templates / or classes (block types from custom block library)

use \Drupal\block_content\BlockContentInterface;

 * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_block_alter().
function hops_theme_suggestions_block_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables) {
  $content = $variables['elements']['content'];
  if (isset($content['#block_content']) and $content['#block_content'] instanceof BlockContentInterface) {
    $bundle = $content['#block_content']->bundle();
    $view_mode = $content['#view_mode'];
    $suggestions[] = 'block__' . $bundle;
    $suggestions[] = 'block__' . $view_mode;
    $suggestions[] = 'block__' . $bundle . '__' . $view_mode;

Display a block entity reference field

{% block content %}
  {% set node_1_teaser = content.field_node_reference.0|merge({'#view_mode': 'compact'}) %}
  {% set node_2_teaser = content.field_node_reference.1|merge({'#view_mode': 'compact'}) %}
  {{ node_1_teaser }}
  <a href="{{ path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': content.field_node_reference.0['#node'].id}) }}">{{ 'Learn more'|t }}</a>
  {{ node_2_teaser }}
  <a href="{{ path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': content.field_node_reference.1['#node'].id}) }}">{{ 'Learn more'|t }}</a>
{% endblock %}

Render referenced entity field as text

Example here for a referenced paragraph but could work with a node with tab['#node'].

{% for key, tab in content.field_reference_tab if key|first != '#' %}
  {% set body = {
    '#type': 'processed_text',
    '#text': tab['#paragraph'].get('field_body').getValue.0.value,
    '#format': tab['#paragraph'].get('field_body').getValue.0.format,
  } %}
  {{ body }}
{% endfor %}
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