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I've recently joined Amazon Dublin from India and got opportunities to interview with Meta London, Zalando Berlin & some other companies. I extensively researched about companies hiring internationally which support visa & relocation for Tech roles. So sharing list of companies:

Do consider to STAR, if it helped you.


ojchris / gist:64ca3e4899ce0dda1b2ca4e066441a6f
Created March 15, 2022 13:25
Twig Remote Video URL - Drupal 9
<a href="{{ paragraph.field_video.entity.field_media_oembed_video.entity.field_media_oembed_video.value }}">
{{ content.field_image }}
Surface Pro@DESKTOP-9SPLE2Q MINGW64 /c/wamp/www/sheffield-iapt (feature/#180306264)
$ ddev drush updb
[warning] Schema information for module content_moderation was missing from the database. You should manually review the module updates and your database to check if any updates have been skipped up to, and including, content_moderation_update_8700().
[warning] Schema information for module workflow was missing from the database. You should manually review the module updates and your database to check if any updates have been skipped up to, and including, workflow_update_8000().
[warning] Schema information for module workflows was missing from the database. You should manually review the module updates and your database to check if any updates have been skipped up to, and including, workflows_update_8000().
[error] (Currently using Missing or invalid module The following module is marked as installed in the core.extension
configuration, but it is missing:
* quick_node_clone
Review the suggestions fo
ojchris /
Created May 26, 2020 18:16 — forked from raphaellarrinaga/
[Drupal 8 Twig cheatsheet] #tags: drupal8, twig, cheatsheet

Drupal 8 Twig cheatsheet

Getting Drupal 8 field values in Twig

Image path: {{ file_url(content.field_name['#items'].entity.uri.value) }}

Image title text: {{ node.field_name.title }}

Entity Reference path: {{ content.field_tags[0]['#url'] }}

ojchris /
Created September 27, 2018 15:22 — forked from hofmannsven/
My simply Git Cheatsheet