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I've recently joined Amazon Dublin from India and got opportunities to interview with Meta London, Zalando Berlin & some other companies. I extensively researched about companies hiring internationally which support visa & relocation for Tech roles. So sharing list of companies:

Do consider to STAR, if it helped you.


Berlin, Germany

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dublin, Ireland


Glasgow, Scotland

Warsaw, Poland

Zurich, Switzerland

Riga, Lativa

Stockholm, Sweden






Bangkok, Thailand


  • Mentioned in the GitHub repo.

South Africa





Q: Do we require to do masters/MS to work there?
A: No, most of these companies will provide visa & relocation.

Q: Do we need to have some years of work experience before applying?
A: No, I interviewed with companies while being in last year of college.

Q: Does getting international job makes me more financially stable?
A: No, there are tons of better opportunities in India as well which pay huge these days. So decide accordingly.

Q: From where did you collect the above information?
A: LinkedIn posts of people joining XYZ company, companies mentioning in their job descriptions explicitly that they sponsor visa, Companies & TC for India to EU Discord server, Arbeitnow, Shubheksha GitHub's repo.

Q: Can interns apply to international internships as well?
A: Most companies do not sponsor visa for interns, but some companies like Meta, Amazon, Mercari do for intern postions as well.

Q: Is interview process similar as compared to India?
A: Yes, the process is exactly similar.

Q: What's the best way to apply to these companies?
A: Try applying with a referral by sharing your resume, jobID of the role interested with any employee of the company. Otherwise apply directly on the career portal. Reaching out to hiring managers/recruiters directly might also help.

Q: Is it necessary to take referral from employee of particular location?
A: No, referral of any employee would work.

Q: I'm not from India, is it applicable for people from other countries as well?
A: Yes!

Feel free to comment down other companies with whom you interviewed. I'll keep updating the list intervally!

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