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Olivier Tassinari oliviertassinari

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Exporting your 2FA tokens from Authy to transfer them into another 2FA application

IMPORTANT - Update regarding deprecation of Authy desktop apps

Past August 2024, Authy stopped supported the desktop version of their apps:
See Authy is shutting down its desktop app | The 2FA app Authy will only be available on Android and iOS starting in August for details.

And indeed, after a while, Authy changed something in their backend which now prevents the old desktop app from logging in. If you are already logged in, then you are in luck, and you can follow the instructions below to export to tokens.

If you are not logged in anymore, but can find a backup of the necessary files, then restore those files, and re-install Authy 2.2.3 following the instructions below, and it should work as expected.

oliviertassinari /
Last active May 1, 2024 21:49


An empty style engine to get a sense of the performance cost of @mui/styled-engine.

Add in your package.json

  "dependencies": {
    "@mui/styled-engine-empty": "gist:5e9031104a86eb5c3325819e9a23857f"
# Based on but enhanced to include the rating and filter out other comments.
SELECT `post_title` AS 'Product', `comment_author` AS 'Customer Name', `comment_author_email` AS 'Customer Email', `comment_date`, `comment_content` AS 'Review', `wp_commentmeta`.`meta_value` AS 'Rating'
FROM `wp_comments`
INNER JOIN `wp_posts` ON `comment_post_ID`=`ID`
INNER JOIN `wp_commentmeta` ON `wp_commentmeta`.`comment_id`=`wp_comments`.`comment_ID`
WHERE `comment_author` != 'WooCommerce'
AND `wp_posts`.`post_type` = 'product'
AND `wp_posts`.`post_status` = 'publish'
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
/** Picture **/
.pv-top-card__non-self-photo-wrapper, .pv-top-card__photo-wrapper {
filter: blur(1.5rem);
/** Links to profile **/
a[href^="/in/"], a[href^=""] {
filter: blur(1rem);
/** Name **/
oliviertassinari / main.js
Last active August 4, 2021 10:27
module.exports = require('@material-ui/styled-engine-sc');
import warning from 'warning'
const times = new Map()
const implementations = {
mark: {
start: name => {
oliviertassinari / theme.js
Last active July 11, 2020 18:19
Material-UI Store theme
import { deepmerge } from '@material-ui/utils';
import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import grey from '@material-ui/core/colors/grey';
const rawTheme = createMuiTheme({
palette: {
primary: {
main: '#1976d2',
dark: '#0052cc',
oliviertassinari / theme.js
Last active July 11, 2020 18:17
Onepixel theme
import { deepmerge } from '@material-ui/utils'
import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles'
import grey from '@material-ui/core/colors/grey'
const basicBlue = '#0052cc' // Nathan's blue #0b24fb
const rawTheme = createMuiTheme({
palette: {
primary: {
main: basicBlue,
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
index fb57ccd..e24ce4a 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
@@ -2,3 +2,276 @@
 # yarn lockfile v1

+"@babel/runtime@^7.3.1", "@babel/runtime@^7.4.4", "@babel/runtime@^7.5.5", "@babel/runtime@^7.8.3", "@babel/runtime@^7.8.7":
oliviertassinari / theme.js
Created January 16, 2020 13:54
Material-UI Store
import { deepmerge } from '@material-ui/utils';
import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import { grey } from '@material-ui/core/colors';
const rawTheme = createMuiTheme({
palette: {
primary: {
main: '#1976d2',
dark: '#0052cc',