This is a list which features an order of bots, that will reply to @pajbot, following this order /announce {the next letter in alphabet} It starts with pajbot, which will say /announce a, you need to continue the line
You can ask @TreuKS on Twitch |
const { ChatClient } = require("@kararty/dank-twitch-irc"); | |
let client = new ChatClient(); | |
client.on("ready", () => console.log("Successfully connected to chat")); | |
client.on("close", (error) => { | |
if (error != null) { | |
console.error("Client closed due to error", error); | |
} | |
}); | |
client.on("PRIVMSG", (msg) => { | |
console.log(`[#${msg.channelName}] ${msg.displayName}: ${msg.messageText}`); |
#!/bin/sh | |
twitch api get /chat/badges/global | jq '.' > global-badges.json | |
jq -r -c '.data[] | select(.set_id == "subscriber").versions[] | {id, image_url_1x, image_url_2x, image_url_4x, description, title}' global-badges.json | while read line; do | |
_id="$(echo "$line" | jq -rc '.id')" | |
_title="$(echo "$line" | jq -rc '.title')" | |
_description="$(echo "$line" | jq -rc '.description')" | |
_image_url_1x="$(echo "$line" | jq -rc '.image_url_1x')" | |
_image_url_2x="$(echo "$line" | jq -rc '.image_url_2x')" | |
_image_url_4x="$(echo "$line" | jq -rc '.image_url_4x')" |
30,43c30 | |
< IncludeBlocks: Regroup | |
< IncludeCategories: | |
< # Project includes | |
< - Regex: '^"[a-zA-Z\._-]+(/[a-zA-Z\._-]+)*"$' | |
< Priority: 1 | |
< # Third party library includes | |
< - Regex: '<[[:alnum:].]+/[a-zA-Z\._\/-]+>' | |
< Priority: 3 | |
< # Qt includes |
Language: Cpp | |
AccessModifierOffset: -4 | |
AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: true | |
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: false | |
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false | |
AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: Empty | |
AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false | |
AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: false | |
AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false |
This is a list which features an order of bots, that will reply to @pajbot, following this order /announce {the next letter in alphabet} It starts with pajbot, which will say /announce a, you need to continue the line
You can ask @TreuKS on Twitch
NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏NaM🥝✈🏠🍒🍏 | |
NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅NaM🍇🍉🍊🍎🍏🍒🍋🍓🍈🍅 | |
🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈹🈴🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈹🈴🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈹🈴🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷🈶🈵🈚🈸🈲🈳NaM🈹🈴🈺🈯🈷 |
==3784== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) | |
==3784== at 0x419F99: chatterino::widgets::SplitHeader::updateModerationModeIcon() (splitheader.cpp:222) | |
==3784== by 0x41885B: chatterino::widgets::SplitHeader::SplitHeader(chatterino::widgets::Split*) (splitheader.cpp:82) | |
==3784== by 0x460FDE: chatterino::widgets::Split::Split(QWidget*) (split.cpp:59) | |
==3784== by 0x460B08: chatterino::widgets::Split::Split(chatterino::widgets::SplitContainer*) (split.cpp:46) | |
==3784== by 0x475EAA: chatterino::widgets::SplitContainer::decodeNodeRecusively(QJsonObject&, chatterino::widgets::SplitContainer::Node*) (splitcontainer.cpp:539) | |
==3784== by 0x475AEA: chatterino::widgets::SplitContainer::decodeFromJson(QJsonObject&) (splitcontainer.cpp:515) | |
==3784== by 0x3C8F6D: chatterino::singletons::WindowManager::initialize() (windowmanager.cpp:211) | |
==3784== by 0x204506: chatterino::Application::initialize() (application.cpp:102) | |
==3784== by 0x2018E3: runGui(int, char**) (main.cpp:115) |
$ ./ forsen unlolrebells2 unlols | |
Starting REDIS transfer script | |
Streamer: forsen | |
Old username: unlolrebells2 | |
New username: unlols | |
Are you sure you want to transfer all redis-data from unlolrebells2 to unlols? ( y/n) y | |
Continuing... | |
Moving last seen value | |
Unable to move last seen value | |
Transferring 51426 lines from unlolrebells2 TO unlols |