This is a list which features an order of bots, that will reply to @pajbot, following this order /announce {the next letter in alphabet} It starts with pajbot, which will say /announce a, you need to continue the line
You can ask @TreuKS on Twitch
- pajbot (will always start with /announce a)
- mm_sutilitybot - b
- quinnbt - cd
- BorrowBot - e
- FeelsOkayBot - f
- trixbotdev - g
- brian6932 - h
- OkayManBot - i
- EbbelBot - j
- BeFriendlier - k
- chatvote - l
- 0weebs - m
- OkayegBOT - n
- OkayegTeaTime - o
- Melonbot__ - p