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Luis Pallares panchicore

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A command-line utility to consolidate your code files for AI code reviews

How to Use

  1. Make the script executable

    chmod +x
  2. Run it with a required directory path

We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 9.
"What is Model Risk Management (MRM)?","The process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with the use of models in decision-making."
"Why is MRM important in financial institutions?","To ensure models produce accurate, reliable results and to comply with regulatory requirements."
"What are the two main sources of model risk?","1. Model errors or limitations. 2. Incorrect or inappropriate model use."
"Define 'model validation' in MRM.","The process of assessing a model's performance, assumptions, and limitations to ensure it meets its intended purpose."
"What is a 'model inventory'?","A centralized list of all models used by an organization, including their purpose, status, and risk level."
"What is the role of governance in MRM?","To establish policies, procedures, and oversight for managing model risk effectively."
"Name a key regulatory framework for MRM.","SR 11-7 (Federal Reserve and OCC guidance in the U.S.)."
"What does SR 11-7 emphasize?","It emphasizes the need for

UNITÉ 9 Les tâches domestiques

  1. DIALOGUE Une mamie active ! Émilie : Alors, Mamie, qu’est-ce que tu as fait, ce matin ? Jeanne : J’ai fait le ménage ! Émilie : Ah bon ? Tu as déjà fini ? Jeanne : Non, je n’ai pas encore fini. Émilie : Tu as fait ça toute seule ? Tu n’as pas pris de femme de ménage ? Jeanne : Mais non, je suis en forme, ma petite fille ! Tiens, regarde, j’ai fait les vitres, j’ai fait la vaisselle... Émilie : Tu as pu faire les vitres ? Comment est-ce que tu as fait ?

Car Detailing Framework

This comprehensive detailing process is split into two focused workflows: exterior detailing and interior detailing, ensuring that all aspects of the vehicle are thoroughly addressed. Each process is optimized for efficiency and high-quality results, from initial inspections to final protection and finishing touches.

panchicore / project.ts
Last active February 9, 2023 20:39
strapi custom service to hide ids with another type of sequence
// src/api/project/services/project.ts
export default factories.createCoreService('api::project.project', ({strapi}) => ({
async find(params) {
let {results, pagination} = await super.find(params);
results = => ({
id: result.cuid
return {results, pagination}
create index if not exists idx_text_fts
on public.metadata_texts using gin (to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, text));
panchicore / carbone.forms.csv
Last active October 20, 2022 15:37
useful forks where you can see on the commit logs the **image support** messages.
Repo URL Stars Forks Ahead Behind Last Push
Enfexia/carbone 2 1 14 10 2022-05-01
keeps/carbone 1 0 10 10 2022-09-21
mahdi-akbary/carbone 1 0 3 258 2019-04-22
asagiyev/carbone 0 0 1 240 2020-05-12
tggreene/carbone 0 0 6 3 2021-11-29
GSattybay/carbone 0 2 3 47 2021-02-04
visualalpha/carbone 0 0 2 3 2022-01-28
AndreiD049/carbone 0 0 3 81 2021-01-17
flight2k/carbone 0 0 2 3 2021-12-04
panchicore / 14-sept.csv
Last active September 14, 2020 22:31
dirt rally monthly challenge #1
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 8.
"1","catty7073","False","False","False","False","0","Ford Fiesta R2","06:05.135","--","02:51:26.167","--","eLngChinese"
"2","tetu235","False","False","False","False","0","Ford Fiesta R2","06:10.769","+00:05.634","02:52:07.471","+00:41.304","eLngJapanese"
"3","Tb654re","False","False","False","False","0","Ford Fiesta R2","06:09.992","+00:04.857","02:52:49.382","+01:23.215","eLngBritish"
"4","Suhoska78","False","False","False","False","0","Ford Fiesta R2","06:12.556","+00:07.421","02:55:19.715","+03:53.548","eLngFinnish"
"5","abrod520","False","False","False","False","0","Ford Fiesta R2","06:08.793","+00:03.658","02:55:56.866","+04:30.699","eLngAmerican"
"6","nioblue","False","False","False","False","0","Ford Fiesta R2","06:13.212","+00:08.077","02:56:30.854","+05:04.687","eLngAmerican"
"7","rms","False","False","False","False","0","Ford Fiesta R2","06:14.805","+00:0