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Created August 31, 2024 13:28
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Simulating Hopscotch in svcs
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import PurePath
from typing import Protocol, Callable, Any
import pytest
from svcs import Container, Registry
class Registration:
# Wish I could say type[Protocol] here
svc_type: Any
factory: Callable[..., object]
# Per-request overrides
context: Callable[..., object] | None = None
location: PurePath | None = None
class Registrations:
# These two go in the registry
system: list[Registration]
site: list[Registration]
# ---- Different kinds of people we might talk to
class Context(Protocol):
first_name: str
class CustomerContext:
first_name: str
class EmployeeContext:
first_name: str
# --- Different kinds of greetings we might give
class Greeting(Protocol):
salutation: str
class DefaultGreeting:
# The system default greeting
salutation: str = "Good Day"
# The site has two other kinds of context
class CustomerGreeting:
salutation: str = "Hello"
class EmployeeGreeting:
salutation: str = "Wassup"
# The site has a special greeting in the garden aisle
class GardenGreeting:
salutation: str = "Hot day outside"
class Request:
context: Context
location: PurePath
class RegistryRegistrations:
"""Registrations discovered at startup time from system and site."""
site: list[Registration]
system: list[Registration]
registry_registrations = RegistryRegistrations(
Registration(svc_type=Greeting, factory=DefaultGreeting),
Registration(svc_type=Greeting, factory=EmployeeGreeting, context=EmployeeContext),
Registration(svc_type=Greeting, factory=GardenGreeting, location=PurePath("/garden")),
def registry() -> Registry:
registry = Registry()
# Process the non-context, non-location registrations, starting with system,
# then doing site (thus the latter has precedence.)
registrations = registry_registrations.system +
for r in registrations:
if r.location is None and r.context is None:
# Not request-dependent, so put it in the registry.
registry.register_factory(r.svc_type, r.factory)
return registry
def setup_container(registry: Registry, request: Request) -> Container:
# The big idea:
# 1. We've already collected all the "registrations" during a configuration
# step, e.g. with venusian.
# 2. We're processing a "request" which means creating a container.
# 3. Find the "best" request-specific registration, if any, and register
# locally in the container. But only if they match the request values.
# 4. Thus we won't have multiple container-local registrations for the same
# thing and then figure out which one is best.
container = Container(registry)
registrations = registry_registrations.system +
for r in registrations:
if (r.location is not None and request.location.is_relative_to(r.location)) or (
r.context is not None and isinstance(request.context, r.context)):
# This registration was EITHER location or context, and it matches the
# request value, so register it in container.
container.register_local_factory(r.svc_type, r.factory)
# TODO There's a smarter way to "score" registrations, dumb way for now.
for r in registrations:
if (r.location and request.location.is_relative_to(r.location)) and (r.context is request.context):
# This registration was for BOTH location and context, and it matches the
# request values, so register it.
container.register_local_factory(r.svc_type, r.factory)
# Finally, put the request in the container.
container.register_local_value(Request, request)
return container
def test_defaults(registry: Registry):
context = CustomerContext(first_name="Mary")
location = PurePath("/entrance")
request = Request(context=context, location=location)
container = setup_container(registry, request)
request: Request = container.get_abstract(Request)
assert request.context is context
assert request.location == location
greeting: Greeting = container.get_abstract(Greeting)
assert greeting.salutation == "Good Day"
def test_employee_context(registry: Registry):
# This is a site-local registration which depends on a value in
# the container.
context = EmployeeContext(first_name="Fred")
location = PurePath("/entrance")
request = Request(context=context, location=location)
container = setup_container(registry, request)
greeting: Greeting = container.get_abstract(Greeting)
assert greeting.salutation == "Wassup"
def test_employee_garden(registry: Registry):
# Match on both employee and location
context = EmployeeContext(first_name="Fred")
location = PurePath("/garden/plans")
request = Request(context=context, location=location)
container = setup_container(registry, request)
greeting: Greeting = container.get_abstract(Greeting)
assert greeting.salutation == "Hot day outside"
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