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pcreux / multi_command.rb
Created December 13, 2024 08:40
Ruby script to run commands in parallel, print the output with different colors, and provide a summary.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Run commands in parallel, print the output with different colors,
# and provide a summary.
"curl -v",
"curl -v",
pcreux / dbt-ctags.rb
Created December 4, 2023 16:51
Generate ctags for dbt models and macros
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Generate ctags for dbt models and macros.
sql_files = Dir['macros/**/*.sql'] + Dir['models/**/*.sql']
mappings = sql_files
.map { |path| [File.basename(path, '.sql'), path] }
.sort'tags', 'w') do |f|
pcreux /
Last active July 3, 2023 09:46
A client for Basecamp 4
pcreux / postgres.yaml
Created January 26, 2022 13:04
datadog + heroku postgres integration for more than 1 database
# `datadog/` will inject instances below on boot
pcreux / dbt-log-to-csv.rb
Last active July 11, 2022 14:47
Parse dbt logs and turn them into a CSV
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Usage: ruby dbt-log-to-csv.rb PATH_TO_DBT_LOGS
Model =, :table, :rows_str, :size_str, :duration_str) do
def rows
rows = rows_str.to_f
rows = case rows_str
when /\d$/
pcreux / dry-struct-active-model-benchmark.rb
Last active June 19, 2023 22:37
Benchmark ActiveModel vs Dry::Struct (with strict types)
require 'active_model'
require 'dry-struct'
require 'benchmark/ips'
require 'benchmark/memory'
class AMUser
include ActiveModel::Model
include ActiveModel::Attributes
attribute :id, :integer
pcreux /
Created November 9, 2021 10:01
Github Pull Request Template

🎁 What

✨ Why

pcreux / multi-threading.rb
Created November 5, 2021 08:46
Simple multi-threading processing in ruby
results = []
queue =
mutex =
threads = do do
while (value = queue.pop)
pcreux / output.rb
Created May 6, 2021 21:09
Compress & decompress strings in Ruby.
# Strings:
"Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! ",
"Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woooot! Woo
pcreux / dbt_to_dbdiagram.rb
Created May 3, 2021 16:15
Generate an ERD via from a dbt project.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Generate a dbdiagram for from a dbt project.
# Usage:
# 1. Run `dbt docs generate` first.
# 2. Run `dbt_to_dbdiagram.rb`
# 3. Paste the output in
require 'yaml'
require 'json'