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Pedro Borges pedroborges

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EllyLoel / reset.css
Last active January 24, 2025 09:14
CSS Reset
Made by Elly Loel -
With inspiration from:
- Josh W Comeau -
- Andy Bell -
- Adam Argyle -[email protected]/normalize.min.css /
- `:where()` is used to lower specificity for easy overriding.
rikschennink / nudgeable.ts
Last active October 22, 2023 05:53
⌨️ A Svelte action to add arrow key interaction to an element
export default (element: HTMLElement, options: any = {}) => {
// if added as action on non focusable element you should add tabindex=0 attribute
const {
direction = undefined,
shiftMultiplier = 10,
bubbles = false,
stopKeydownPropagation = true,
} = options;
function flattenFolderTree(folders) {
return folders.reduce((acc, folder) => {
const {children,} = folder;
if (!children || !children.length) {
return [...acc, rest];
return [...acc, rest, ...flattenFolderTree(children)];
}, []);
<x-tabs active="First">
<x-tab name="First">
First content goes here.
<x-tab name="Second">
Second content goes here.
$spaces = [
'driver' => 's3',
'key' => env('DO_SPACES_KEY'),
'secret' => env('DO_SPACES_SECRET'),
'endpoint' => env('DO_SPACES_ENDPOINT'),
'region' => env('DO_SPACES_REGION'),
'bucket' => env('DO_SPACES_BUCKET')
lukaskleinschmidt / bootstrap.php
Created March 2, 2020 09:17
Kirby Thumbnails
// bootstrap/kirby.php
include dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$kirby = new Kirby([
'roots' => [
'base' => $base = dirname(__DIR__),
'index' => $base . '/public',
'content' => $base . '/content',
lukaskleinschmidt / index.js
Last active September 5, 2024 09:52
Kirby Structure Field Preview
panel.plugin('lukaskleinschmidt/site', {
components: {
'k-structure-field-preview': {
props: {
value: String,
column: Object,
field: Object
computed: {
text: function() {
nkeena / HasFilters.php
Created February 5, 2020 04:52
A simple trait that provides robust filtering by a model's attributes
namespace App\Traits;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
trait HasFilters
public function scopeFilter($query, $filters = [])

How to setup a practically free CDN using Backblaze B2 and Cloudflare

⚠️ Note 2023-01-21
Some things have changed since I originally wrote this in 2016. I have updated a few minor details, and the advice is still broadly the same, but there are some new Cloudflare features you can (and should) take advantage of. In particular, pay attention to Trevor Stevens' comment here from 22 January 2022, and Matt Stenson's useful caching advice. In addition, Backblaze, with whom Cloudflare are a Bandwidth Alliance partner, have published their own guide detailing how to use Cloudflare's Web Workers to cache content from B2 private buckets. That is worth reading,

lucaspar / IRRF-imposto.js
Last active January 22, 2024 16:04
Cálculo de IR em JavaScript com teste unitário.
/* Fonte: */
* Calcula o imposto de renda sobre o valor de rendimentos tributáveis,
* conforme tabela progressiva do ano tributário de 2023, seguindo a
* incidência mensal do imposto sobre a renda de pessoas físicas (IRPF).
* @params {Number} rendimentos Renda a ser tributada, em R$.
* @returns {Number} imposto a pagar sobre `rendimentos`, em R$.