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peonso / Running CipSoft 7.7
Last active October 20, 2024 16:40
tutorial on make leaked 7.7 files running

Running CipSoft 7.7 files

tutorial on make leaked 7.7 files running

#1 First Steps

  1. First download VmWare workstation or virtual box and install.

  2. Now download CentOS 3.1 here: download 3 disks and install in VmWare, I will not go into details about the Linux installation, you yourself must learn.

  3. Install VMware tools in CentOS or install one ftpserver, is recomended VMware tools (faster).

attackSkill * (attackValue * 0,05) + (attackValue * 0,5)
Speed = GoStreght*2+80
Actor (areaeffect) - selftarget
Angle (format,range,areaeffect) - direction spell
Victim (range, projectile, areaeffect) - singletarget
Origin (area, areaeffect)
Destination (range, projectile, area, areaeffect)
William Andrew Loomis (1892–1959) Andrew Loomis
George Brant Bridgman (1865–1943) George B. Bridgman
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier, not that the task itself has become easier, but that our ability to perform it has improved."
Ralph Waldo

The Manifesto


Guilcera is meant to be a OpenTibia server for protocol 7.72 that pay tribute to the 7.x era game mechanics.

A old protocol is chosen for nostalgic reasons, specially 7.72 because of the availabilty of OTHire server engine. In the year of 2006, Tibia was simpler game, without too many systems and without hotkeys for throwing runes, a remarkable feature. It will have an custom map, because that's what the developer is aiming to with Guilcera:

I got motivated by the dream of coming up with my own game world, by have players running though dungeons I designed myself.

Guilcera was facing a peaceful era, by grinding infinite experience the citizens cleared it's land from the evil beings that once were a plague. People were really bored and despite some random powerful dude going rampage and killing some people before committing suicide, nothing really was happening. People accumulated so much wealth to the point that gold worth nothing due to inflation. Everyone's favorite activity became to talk nonsense in front of the depot.

Well, actually not everyone's. Remere was a curious guy. He was messing with weird magic artifacts, and ended up discovering how to open portals to other map dimensions. Despite being successful, it was dangerous and he was not really sure of what he was doing, and the full potential of the artifacts and magic involved. He ended up opening a breach to Tibia map, from where Tibian gods emerged from. They didn't like to see a map the resembled Tibia, and went full wrath into Guilcera map, claiming it to not be the real thing, filthy and unworthy

Shielding formula

  • what is the formula??
testing with a goblin doing fixed hit of 70 in real 7.7

skill	    def		max block	balanced	fullattack
10		14		23		12		8
10		19		31		18		11
10		26		43 		24		15
10		35		61		33		20
peonso / OpenTibia Sprite Pack
Last active November 27, 2017 04:38
What you need to make OpenTibia Sprite Pack work!

What you need to make OpenTibia Sprite Pack work!

OpenTibia Sprite Pack (OTSP) uses different IDs for everything.


  • default OTSP protocol is 10.41, make sure your engine is downgraded or that you change OTSP files protocol;
  • different effects and IDs, you might want to change tons of stuff at const.h source file (here);
  • maybe you would want to change effects name to reflect current ones, it would change how you make spells and monsters spells (here);
  • CONST_ME_TELEPORT is used in a lot of places in the code, you might want to change that (here);
peonso / convert.js
Last active April 6, 2023 18:21
convert maps to OpenTibia Sprite Pack
// A tool to convert OpenTibia maps to
// by Peonso
// dependencies NodeJS and
// node --max-old-space-size=4096 convert.js
var start =;
const otbm2json = require("./OTBM2JSON/otbm2json");
const OLD_MUDWALLS = [356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365,366,367,371,372,373,374,375,376,377,378,379,380,381,382];
const OLD_MUDTILE = 351;
local TILE_SAND = 231
local ITEM_SCARAB_COIN = 2159
local TUMB_ENTRANCE = 25001
local SCARAB_TILE = 25002
local SAND_HOLE = 489
local duration = 5*60000 -- 5 minutes
local function __doTransformHole__(parameters)
local thing = getTileItemById(parameters.pos, SAND_HOLE)
local newItem = doTransformItem(thing.uid, TILE_SAND)