Thursday 23rd May, 2013
☞ Full info on the Async website
✈ Sign up to attend on the event's Lanyrd page.
Would you like to speak on the night? You’ll have five minutes, that’s 300 seconds, to tell us about something… a project, a library, a technique, a story, or anything else on JavaScript and its techy friends (HTML, CSS, SVG, animated GIFs), or the wider world of web.
Please leave a comment below (you can use Markdown if you want) and include:
- Your name
- Your main website, if you have one
- Twitter username, if you have one
- A sentence or two about your talk
- Any relevant links
Sadly, I've run out of time and won't be able to get this finished for tonight
I could give a preamble to a future talk on recent developments in Philosophy and how they may affect the way we think, work, code...The 'Speculative turn' in Philosophy has shifted the emphasis from the analytic to synthetic... As programming combines the two, this could have serious ramifications for the way we work in the future... With mathematics at the centre of a new synthetic philosophy what might this mean for programming?After a brief orientation, I will dip into Graham Harman's Object Oriented Philosophy to see if there is anything we can learn from it.Julian Weaver
@hypodotio @finetunedltd