This small guide will show you how to install KDE1 on most Linux distributions. However, there are some prerequisites prior to compiling. You will need:
- libjpeg-turbo
- libpng
- libtiff
- libx11
- libXext
- perl
- git
- gcc
- g++
- cmake
- make (GNU make)
Make sure you have enough privileges to access the /opt directory (or use mkdir to create it if it's not there), and then clone the QT1 repository:
git clone
cd qt1
Now, you will need to compile QT1. First, set the QTDIR environment variable to your
current working directory, and then type in make
to see all the options for compiling:
export QTDIR=$PWD
You will see options such as linux-g++-shared
and linux-g++-static
. Since we're compiling on a Linux system, you'll want to choose either of those. For this guide, it may be more straight-forward to go with the shared library variant.
make linux-g++-shared
Create a directory lib
and compile:
mkdir lib
After that is done, move the entire directory into /opt as qt1 (very important). You will now have QT1 installed on your system and can begin setting up KDE1 libs.
Clone the kdelibs repository and cd into the cloned directory:
git clone
cd kde1-kdelibs
You will need to go into cmake/FindQt1.cmake
and change /opt/qt1/lib64
to /opt/qt1/lib
. This can easily be done with sed:
sed -i 's/lib64/lib/' cmake/FindQt1.cmake
Next, create a directory where we will build the libraries and cd into it. We'll use build
mkdir build
cd build
Next, we will compile kdelibs and install it (make sure you have the correct privileges):
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='/usr'
make install
You should now have the directory kde1 located in the /opt directory. Make a symbolic link to the English (en) directory as default (this will prevent some issues with not being able to view manuals). Alternatively you may find some other languages in the share/doc/HTML directory.
ln -s /opt/kde1/share/doc/HTML/en /opt/kde1/share/doc/HTML/default
The final step is to install the actual, base system. Clone the KDE1 base repository and cd into it:
git clone
cd kde1-kdebase
You will need to apply a patch to prevent some issues (credits to z3ntu):
wget -O - |patch -Np1
Like compiling kdelibs, we'll need to create a directory for building and cd into it:
mkdir build
cd build
To compile and install, simply do:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='/usr' -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/kde1/lib'
make install
Now you will have KDE1 installed on your system. To actually use it, however, you will need to put this in your ~/.xinitrc file:
export PATH=/opt/kde1/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/qt1/lib:/opt/kde1/lib
exec startkde
This will properly set up the PATH variable so that you will be able to execute your KDE1 programs and set up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH so it knows where to find the libraries.
Now, exit out of X (or if you're already not in it) and type in a console:
This will start KDE1 and you can begin using it. You may also find the kdetoys, kdeutils and kdegames repositories interesting.