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Last active November 4, 2021 22:53
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  • Save r618/454e439eca71b9754b1ff0d9344a9b6d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// @iamnotsonicpi
"origin": ["#script# \n\n \\# Run this in \\#SonicPi - get it at"]
, "script" :["use_synth #synth# \n #live_loop#", "#live_loop#"]
, "live_loop": [ "#random_seed# \n live_loop #body_name# do \n #body# \n end"]
, "body_name" : [":foo", ":mary", ":alice", ":bob", ":jared", ":donald", ":bar", ":baz", ":bax", ":jimmy", ":bruce", ":michael", ":dude", ":eddie", ":karol", ":richard", ":samuel", ":xoxo", ":ian", ":spoilt_child", ":spoilt_adult", ":gordon", ":vyber", ":kicked", ":yendor", ":chick", ":mark", ":jordan", ":n", ":l", ":green", ":summer", ":autumn", ":home"]
, "body" : ["#play# \n sleep #sleep_value#", "with_fx #fx# do \n #play# \n sleep #sleep_value# \n end"]
, "sleep_value": ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","0.5", "0.25", "0.125", "0.5", "0.25", "0.125"]
, "fx": [":band_eq", ":bitcrusher", ":bpf", ":compressor", ":distortion", ":echo", ":eq", ":flanger", ":gverb", ":hpf", ":ixi_techno", ":krush", ":level", ":lpf", ":mono", ":nbpf", ":nhpf", ":nlpf", ":normaliser", ":nrbpf", ":nrhpf", ":nrlpf", ":octaver", ":pan", ":panslicer", ":pitch_shift", ":rbpf", ":record", ":reverb", ":rhpf", ":ring_mod", ":rlpf", ":slicer", ":sound_out", ":sound_out_stereo", ":tanh", ":tremolo", ":vowel", ":whammy", ":wobble"]
, "synth":[":beep", ":blade", ":bnoise", ":chipbass", ":chiplead", ":chipnoise", ":cnoise", ":dark_ambience", ":dpulse", ":dsaw", ":dtri", ":dull_bell", ":fm", ":gnoise", ":growl", ":hollow", ":hoover", ":mod_beep", ":mod_dsaw", ":mod_fm", ":mod_pulse", ":mod_saw", ":mod_sine", ":mod_tri", ":noise", ":piano", ":pluck", ":pnoise", ":pretty_bell", ":prophet", ":pulse", ":saw", ":sine", ":sound_in", ":sound_in_stereo", ":square", ":subpulse", ":supersaw", ":tb303", ":tech_saws", ":tri", ":zawa"]
, "play": [ "#play_notes#", "#play_notes# \n #play_notes#"]
, "play_notes": ["play #note# #attack# #delay# #sustain# #release# #amp#", "play #note# #attack# #delay# #sustain# #release# #amp# \n sleep #sleep_value#","play choose( \\[ #note#, #note# \\] ) #attack# #delay# #sustain# #release# #amp#", "play choose( \\[ #note#, #note#, #note# \\] ) #attack# #delay# #sustain# #release# #amp#" ]
, "note": [":D4", ":E4", ":Fs4", ":G4", ":A4", ":Cs5", ":E1", ":C1", ":Bs3", ":E3", ":E2", ":Es2"]
, "random_seed":["use_random_seed #rnd_value#\n", ""]
, "attack":[",attack: #adsr_value#", ""]
, "delay": [",delay: #adsr_value#", ""]
, "sustain": [",sustain: #adsr_value#", ""]
, "release": [",release: #adsr_value#", ""]
, "amp":[",amp: #amp_value#", ""]
, "adsr_value":["0.1","0.2","0.5","1","2","3","4","5","6"]
, "amp_value": ["0.1","0.2","0.5","1"]
, "rnd_value":["1", "2", "10000", "300000", "30", "600", "909090", "999", "333333", "1111111"]
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