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Rafael Silva rafaelperez

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herronelou /
Created April 7, 2024 22:32
Nuke dockable panel example
This script shows how to create a dockable widget in Nuke using PySide2 based on a technique
I used a long time ago in a project.
I think nowadays I would reimplement something akin to nukescripts.panels.registerWidgetAsPanel
that allows custom menu commands and single instances of the widget.
import nuke
import nukescripts
moyix /
Last active January 5, 2024 12:50
How to convert the SalesForce CodeGen models to GPT-J

Using Linear Algebra to Convert a Large Code Model


The SalesForce CodeGen models are a family of large language models trained on a large amount of natural language data and then fine-tuned on specialized datasets of code. Models of size 350M, 2B, 6B, and 16B parameters are provided in three flavors:

  • nl, the base model trained on The Pile, a large natural language dataset compiled by EleutherAI
  • multi, which is fine-tuned from the nl model on a dataset of code in multiple languages, scraped from GitHub, and
  • mono, which is fine-tuned from the multi model on Python code only.
facepainter /
Last active March 11, 2025 21:22
Batch extract known face from video/image sequence (CNN GPU with CUDA / HoG)
Extract a known face from a video.
Uses a combination of a deep learning CNN model to batch detect faces
in video frames, or a sequence of images, in GPU with CUDA and HoG to compare
the detected faces with a computed reference set of face encodings.
from os import path, listdir
from typing import NamedTuple
dvlden /
Last active January 3, 2025 16:28
Convert video files to MP4 through FFMPEG

This is my personal list of functions that I wrote for converting mov files to mp4!

Command Flags

Flag Options Description
-codec:a libfaac, libfdk_aac, libvorbis Audio Codec
-quality best, good, realtime Video Quality
-b:a 128k, 192k, 256k, 320k Audio Bitrate
-codec:v mpeg4, libx264, libvpx-vp9 Video Codec
fredrikaverpil /
Last active September 15, 2023 13:31
Store function on Nuke NoOp (or on nuke.root()) node and have it made available upon loading of script
"""Store function on node
Usage example:
.. code-block::
# Control node
ctrl_node_name = 'MY_SCRIPT_NODE' # if None, store on nuke.root()
# Define your functions and add them to the dictionary
thoolihan /
Last active January 28, 2019 06:17
Install TensorFlow on CentOS7
sudo yum -y install epel-release
sudo yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ python-pip python-devel atlas atlas-devel gcc-gfortran openssl-devel libffi-devel
# use pip or pip3 as you prefer for python or python3
pip install --upgrade virtualenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/venvs/tensorflow
source ~/venvs/tensorflow/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade numpy scipy wheel cryptography #optional
pip install --upgrade
# or below if you want gpu, support, but cuda and cudnn are required, see docs for more install instructions
pip install --upgrade
jedypod / PlanarProjection.nk
Last active October 12, 2023 06:31
PlanarProjection Planar Projection Generates 2D coordinates for points in 3D space. Works on 4 points at once, is instantaneous to calculate, and generates a 4x4 transform matrix for use in rotos.
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
push $cut_paste_input
Group {
name PlanarProjection
help "<b>Planar Projection</b>\nGenerates 2D coordinates for points in 3D space. Type in 3D point coordinates, or use vertex selection in 3D viewer and click set to pick average of selected points, or set points to set all four points at once. \n\nYou can connect node output to scene together with your pointcloud or geometry and see where your points are located in 3d space. Double click any of them to move it in 3d space like any traditional nuke transform control. \n\nA matrix transform is also generated to be used with RotoPaint, SplineWarp and GridWarp nodes. If you are using matrix in GridWarp, points have to be in clockwise order, pick them one by one! \n\nCommand set points doesn't respect selection order! \n\nCheck out the demo video on my website! Kudos to Ivan Busquets for help with matrix math. \n\n-- developed by Vit Sedlacek 2012 \n\n-- Modified by Jed Smith to make calculation time nearly inst
dbr /
Last active September 21, 2023 07:27
Saving selected Nuke nodes to file, preserving the root settings
def root_settings_to_string(root):
"""Serialise the project settings. Used when writing the selected
nodes (otherwise things like the frame range would be lost)
# Write non-default settings, in .nk script format. Also write
# user-knob definitons to avoid errors like NUKE-256
rootstring = root.writeKnobs(nuke.TO_SCRIPT | nuke.WRITE_USER_KNOB_DEFS)
# TODO: Why doesn't writeKnobs write [first/last]_frame? Also
stefanw /
Created April 2, 2011 15:02
Convert Google Reader Atom XML to WordPress eXtended RSS. Useful to recreate Wordpress blog from Google Reader "Backup".
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
Backup Google Reader Items to WordPress eXtended RSS (Wordpress Export Format)
Download Feeds from
(1000 = number of items)
Usage: google_atom.xml
Licensed under BSD.