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Last active September 1, 2016 13:01
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Save regilero/5885056 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DNS replacement script in SQL dumps containing (also) PHP serialized strings.This script use bash and perl' perl is used to increment serialized string length while performing DNS replacement It also use sed for other basic DNS replacements
# Licensed under GNU GPL v3 #
# [email protected] #
# #
# DNS replacement scrpit in SQL dumps containing (also) PHP #
# serialized strings. #
# This script use bash and perl' perl is used to increment #
# serialized string length while performing DNS replacement #
# It also use sed for other basic DNS replacements #
###### CONFIG ####################################################
# source file to cleanup
###### END CONFIG ################################################
# Replace . by \. so perl will not interpret dots
# Test new DNS is not a subdomain, infinite loops in perl replacements
if [[ "${NEW_DNS}" == *${OLD_DNS}* ]]
echo "Error: This script cannot handle subdomains replacements, risk of infinite loops, sorry!";
exit 1;
SED=`which sed`;
if [ ! ${SED} ]; then
echo "Error: 'sed' command not found."
exit 1;
PERL=`which perl`;
if [ ! ${PERL} ]; then
echo "Error: 'perl' command not found."
exit 1;
if [[ $COUNT -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Old and new domain name have the same size, no special serialization hack needed before classical sed replacement"
NB=`grep -c "${OLD_DNS}" ${DUMP_FILE}`;
if [ "0" != "${NB}" ]; then
echo "Found ${NB} lines matching at least once ${OLD_DNS} in this file"
echo "Starting serialized content inline replacement in dump with string lenght increment..."
# $1 : «([;|{]s:)» : detect start of serialized string with «;s:» or «{s:» or «s:»
# $2 : «([0-9]+)» : the serialized string length numbers
# «:\\"» : start of the string with «\";»
# $3 and $4 : «(((?!\\";).)*?)» : (?!\\";) means not the substring «\";», ((XX.)*?) so here we match everything (.*) which does not contain this substring and the last ? means
# here a small bug $4 contains the last matched char. unused.
# non greedy, se we take the shortest match
# $5 : «('${OLD_DNS2}')» : finally it is (foo\.example\.com)' matching the DNS to replace
# $6: «(.*?)» : match anything until the next pattern, the ? makes it a non-greedy match (shortest)
# it is OK as next pattern is closing the serialized string.
# non greedy: i.e. regular mode is match as much as you can contain in backward mode,
# in non greedy is match the smallest way still working
# it will make the match as small as possible, and next pattern will match the 1st end of serialized string available
# «\\";» last pattern is end of serialized string
# problem is that $6 contains the rest of string after 1st old DNS match.
# This string may contain other occurrences of old DNS
# and replacement should be done several times until nothing more happens, nb of replacement is
# returned by the s// pattern, so we loop until nothing more happens with the «l while»
# TEST with: perl -n -pe '$C+=s#([;|{]?s:)([0-9]+):\\"(((?!\\";).)*?)('${OLD_DNS2}')(.*?)\\";#"$1".($2+'${COUNT}').":\\\"$3'${NEW_DNS}'$6\\\";"#ge; END{print"$C\n"}' < exemple.txt
${PERL} -n -p -i -e '$rgx=qr/([;|{]?s:)([0-9]+):\\"(((?!\\";).)*?)('${ESCAPED_OLD_DNS}')(.*?)\\";/; 1 while s#$rgx#"$1".($2+'${COUNT}').":\\\"$3'${NEW_DNS}'$6\\\";"#ge;' ${DUMP_FILE}
echo "Done with serialized strings"
echo "${OLD_DNS} not found in file, quite certainly nothing to be done."
NB=`grep -c "${OLD_DNS}" ${DUMP_FILE}`;
if [ "0" != "${NB}" ]; then
echo "Replacing ${NB} remaining lines matching the old domain outside serialized data in dump: ";
`${SED} -i "s#${OLD_DNS}#${NEW_DNS}#g" ${DUMP_FILE}`
echo "Everything Done";
exit 0;
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regilero commented Oct 7, 2014

The source dump is a special dump with one insert per row:
mysqldump -h ${PROD_DBHOST} -u ${PROD_DBUSER} ${PROD_DBPASSWORD} -P ${PROD_DBPORT} --single-transaction --lock-tables=false --no-create-db --disable-keys --triggers --opt --skip-extended-insert --debug-info here_my_db_name > /path/to/mydump.sql

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The regexp was missing a very important "?" to detect simple serializations, now fixed

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