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Sabbatical → Open to Work (Q2 2025)

Charlie Revett revett

Sabbatical → Open to Work (Q2 2025)
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revett /
Last active December 14, 2016 11:37
(Climbing) Strategy for bouldering competitions 👍

Strategy for Bouldering Competitions

This gist gives a high level overview of strategy and tips that I have been advised to use in bouldering competitions.


  • Carb up meal before.
  • Simple sugars (raisins or sports drinks) 30-60 minutes before, and every hour within competition.
  • Caffeine before start (beware of jitters).
revett /
Last active February 16, 2016 19:30
Word frequency list of Hilary Clinton's emails.

Word Frequency List of Hilary Clinton's emails

This gist provides a JSON file showing the most used words within Hilary Clinton's email corpus.


I used the Emails.csv file from within the open-source corpus [1] (~7,000 emails) released by Kaggle [2].


revett /
Last active November 7, 2016 11:36
Tutum Zero Downtime Re-deploy

Tutum Zero Downtime Re-deploy


I tweeted Tutum last night asking if they're looking at implementing zero downtime re-deploys for a given service. Slightly surprised by their response as it seems like a critical feature if you want to use the service for a production environment.

"not a top priority, but by Spring :)"

As Tutum currently doesn't support graceful termination of containers within a service, I was experiencing a 5-10 second window of 503 errors, so decided to use the following hack (code below) until the feature is officially implemented.

revett /
Last active December 22, 2023 17:12
Git Branch Naming Conventions



