[b]Dash Incubator 2022 Q2[/b]
3-month proposal to the Dash Network
[b]1 Summary[/b]
This proposal continues Dash Incubator's ongoing quarterly funding request as outlined in our [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JXkfUyuYpZ-MEzbcBmSOp7vN1k6O2vPiNA700Myc06o/edit#heading=h.eqqqku37hvvw]proposal owner specification document[/url]. We are requesting 600 DASH/month this quarter, as planned in our previous [url=https://www.dashcentral.org/p/dash-incubator-2022-q1]2022 Q1 proposal[/url].
Our top priority from Q1 was to modify our internal organization (roles, responsibilities, rewards, infrastructure, etc) to improve our processes, increase the quality of our output, and better communicate what we’re working on. These changes still need to be finalized through an official Incubator rule change, but I’d like to communicate the overall approach to you MNOs now to get your feedback through your voting and your comments/questions here. The general idea is for the Incubator to move to a system where admins