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Rion Daniel Gull riongull

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christroutner /
Last active July 11, 2023 00:00
CoinJoin Flipstarter Status
learncodeacademy /
Last active October 22, 2024 13:23
Deploy HTML site with Flightplan


Install flightplan globally

npm install -g flightplan

Install flightplan in your project folder

learncodeacademy /
Last active August 16, 2022 17:35
Deploy Node.js app on Ubuntu as Upstart Service - instead of using Forever

Deploying a node app with Forever is great...until your server restarts unexpectedly. Then your app stops running and you have to re-deploy.

To get around this, we're going to run our node app as an Upstart service. Upstart services are great, because, once started, the system auto-restarts them if they fail, or if the server restarts.

###Step 1: Create a service for your node app

  • ssh in as root ssh root@youripaddress
  • Create a node-app.conf file in /etc/init
    IMPORTANT: whatever filename you pick is what you will use to start|stop|restart your service i.e. service node-app start
dupuy / README.rst
Last active February 2, 2025 04:38
Common markup for Markdown and reStructuredText

Markdown and reStructuredText

GitHub supports several lightweight markup languages for documentation; the most popular ones (generally, not just at GitHub) are Markdown and reStructuredText. Markdown is sometimes considered easier to use, and is often preferred when the purpose is simply to generate HTML. On the other hand, reStructuredText is more extensible and powerful, with native support (not just embedded HTML) for tables, as well as things like automatic generation of tables of contents.